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Astrology Forecast for Nov. 4 – 10, 2013

Astrology Forecast for Nov. 4 – 10, 2013

Cost is increasingly a topic of interest, with Venus moving into no-nonsense Capricorn on Tuesday. Here the goddess of love and creativity loses interest in romantic gestures, bouquets and sweet nothings. She casts a calculating eye on all advances, offers and investments and looks instead for lasting value. What does “it” cost? Is it worth what you get in exchange? Do you really want “it,” anyway? Watch this attitude show up in your relationships, agreements, finances and even gift purchases. We won’t be interested in liaisons unless they fit our values and promise stability and permanence. We’ll also be honing and focusing our desires, and likely cutting out what no longer fits, as Venus glides toward her meeting with Pluto at the end of next week.

This pragmatic approach is with us for far longer than this week and next. It’s here until almost the spring. Venus’ stay in Capricorn is uncommonly long, into the beginning of March, due to her scheduled retrograde from December 20 through the end of January.  (Start checking off your gift list now, by the way; last-minute shopping, after she turns retrograde, is likely to bring disappointment.)

In the midst of the ongoing eruptions, and shifts, and launches, life takes on a slower, calmer, even stuck quality as we get into the weekend. Mercury, the ruler of communication and transportation, is stationing to end his retrograde on Sunday. From Saturday, when he hits the degree of his turnaround, until Wednesday, when he clears it, we may feel suspended in time. The floating can provide the opportunity to get a thorough, probing look at a situation. Instead of succumbing to frustration this week, resolve to seek out the benefits of delays and mishaps. Treasure is lurking in those Scorpio waters. What more can you uncover?

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View Comments (2)
  • This was an incredibly synchronistic article.. really inspiring heading into this week. Your site provides such thoughtful commentary and depth… @JudyMartin:disqus

  • Thank you, Judy! Kathy Biehl is an extraordinary astrologer and we are grateful to share her work.

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