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How To Connect With Your Angels

How To Connect With Your Angels

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Do you hear your angels when they talk to you?

Connecting with Your Angels

by Naomi Hale

You might have heard or read that Angels are always taking care of us, but how can you connect with them and ask for what you want? Well, almost all religions teach or at least mention in their sacred books Angels and Archangels, but most of them do not go deep; we just learn they are light beings who take care of us, but what they never teach us is that we can have them as our best friends. We all have the grace and power to be in touch with them; you do not have to be a psychic or a priest to speak with them or even hear or watch them.

To get in contact with Angels you just need to start a close relationship with them as you start any human relationship with any person.

They are always there: behind you, in front of you, everywhere you go.

They are with us since the day we were born and they will continue there until we return to the light.

We all have our guardian Angels and many, many others ready to serve us. Also, we have the powerful presence of Archangels in our lives. All of them are beings who can be simultaneously in different places at the same time, so do not worry if you call asking for their presence and maybe you think you are “bothering” them or not allowing them to work in another bigger mission. For them everything is the same because they do not have an ego, they do not judge and they always give you what you ask for.

One of the commandments they have received from God is to respect our free will, and they only can break it if we are in a dangerous situation where we can lose our lives and it’s not the time for us to go back to the light or to live any traumatic experience that we are not supposed to live; this is the only case where they can intervene in our lives without our permission. Well, to be in touch with them and establish a direct communication you do not need to have any special ritual, you just need to be open and ready to receive their presence in your life.

You can start taking some little steps every day until the day you will notice they are just your best friends and are always with you; by that time, you will be able to feel them, hear them or, even better, see them. You can start talking to them in your normal life, asking for some signals of their presence, something that you can understand and can be materialized in this 3D world.

Try to hear your inner voice; they usually speak to us using a simple language that we can easily understand and the best way to recognize if it’s a message from them or your ego speaking to you is feeling the vibration the message has and using your own intuition. Also, it’s really good to relax and meditate at least 3 or 5 minutes every day and silence your mind. When you do that, you can do your own visualizations and they can start sending you some images, sounds or lights that will allow you to recognize their presence. As a simple way to understand those signals, you must have a journal where you can write all the different things that you hear or see in your connection with them; at the beginning it does not make sense, but after a while when you read again your journal you will notice that all the dots are being connected.

As you see, being in contact with those amazing beings of light is so simple and easy, nothing to be afraid of. This is not just reserved for some specific people. We all have the same grace to be in touch with them and they are always ready and happy, waiting to hear from us and help with any issue we can have. Just relax, quiet your mind and body everytime you have a chance, and after some time you will recognize their presence in your life. In our next issue, we will be teaching you more about Angels and Archangels and some simple exercise to start your direct connection with them.

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About the Author

Naomi and her husband are the founders of Journey Angels. She is the author of “Magic Is Everywhere” and also “My Angel Journal” that will be launched very soon. Working as a channel and metaphysical person, Naomi works one to one with each of their customers helping them to connect with the power that each of us has inside and finding the way to manifest a life full of peace, harmony, and balance in each area of their lifes. For more information, you can send an email to  or visit any of the different sites for Journey Angels. Right now, Journey Angels is working in the production of their first documentary “Kids of Light”.  Connect with her at

View Comments (8)
  • Can angels read our minds when we try to communicate with them or do we need to speak out aloud to them? I always see silhouettes or sort of moving white light around me but when I turn my head to look at them, they’re gone in an instant…. what are they

  • Angels do not have to read your mind IF you talk to them. It’s simple.

  • What they ARE are spirits. You must trust that they are your protection and your keepers.

  • 😀 They hear you,even before you are finished thinking the words, Sometimes we both end up laughing, because i find myself wanting to repeat my thoughts, lol. They are so joy filled! I don’t let a night go by with out connecting in the quiet of my beginning of sleep,it helps cut all the other noise out and i sleep so well. They guide me in all aspects of my life,and i am fully aware of them. <3

  • no, you do not have to speak out loud to them. They will know before you even finish the thought.

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