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The Powerful Force of Release

The Powerful Force of Release


Letting Go: The Powerful Force of Release

The art of release is a force of love to be recognized! It changes everything into light, transforming a soul through the healing of many lifetimes and karmic debt.

We can be living in bondage of fear and hurt, not consciously aware of how much we can be holding inside that holds us back. We really do have the ability to be living a life of abundance and manifestation.

It can be painful to let go of all our attachments but after the pain, the freedom can mean great joy. No expectations. Let life flow as it should and keep learning to listen harder.

Dwelling on the past and only living for the future can cause us to miss the most important soul lessons. There are signs, messages, synchronicity and mystical magic that bring us together. We decide how we process what we’ve learned and how we judge it. If we come from the view that everything is glorious in rhyme and reason, it begins to heal our spirit instantly. We can move forward with more clarity and purpose.

The little things we carry with us as reminders of pain, along with the big things we worry might happen in the future, become like weights filled with self-doubt and fear.

They are only thoughts we created. Thoughts can be evolved into reasons and explanations. Reasons evolve into lessons which propel us forward when we understand them. We have to learn as we go not to get stuck in the flypaper that fell on the path in front of us.

Shake it off and keep on going. The people who are able to keep moving forward have proven to be the most successful at whatever they want to accomplish.

There will always be people out there who don’t understand us or might try to hurt us in different ways. We have to try and keep in mind that for every person who disrespects your heart there can be ten more around the corner to take their place who will lift you up. We have access to spiritual protection at all times when we are attuned to our purposes, life themes and paths.

Through meditation, prayer and intuitive connection, the emotions of others become easier to process and understand. When we forgive them, we elevate our compassion level to a newer, healthier vibration.

As humans, we will experience the loss of people we love to physical death and separations, but the connections we build are imprinted with us forever.

The loss is only temporary and the feelings heal with time and experience. For some, it never seems to fully heal without a lot of processing and outside help.

For others, it is purely an internal thing that they have to investigate and prove to themselves. Their journey is strictly between them and spirit and no one else is allowed in.

We can form amazing attachments to things, places, people, thoughts and habits that either no longer serve us or never did. Once we recognize how our lack of freedom in reality has affected our lack of freedom in our soul, we begin to simplify our thoughts and just let it be. Every action, every thought, every feeling has a purpose.

Even the critical and negative people you encounter serve you with soul growth and knowledge. They teach us to forget about being right or arguing over who is best and to be thankful for every ounce of joy and every twinge of discomfort.

Release all of the dramas, their purpose is done and in the past. The curtain has been drawn and the scene is over, ready for the next adventure to begin.

Through release, you free yourself of all which served you before and make room for higher thought vibrations.

When we make a conscious effort to take soul control of our lives here we discover how to monitor our thoughts. As we learn to master those thoughts, we learn to take responsibility. Taking responsibility for our own actions, words, thoughts and deeds releases us from expectations.

See Also

Judgment is a negative force to our positive energy. We balance our ego through this process and in this process our ability to vibrate at a higher consciousness becomes possible. In this higher state of being, ultimate healing of mind, body and soul exists.

Release yourself to affirm the light being soul that you truly are. Remember that there is nothing in your own way but your very thoughts. To master your own destiny is to recognize your true spiritual consciousness. Release is the miracle that opens the heart and creates miracles and radiant manifestations.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a Psychic Medium, Spiritual Adviser, Healing Energy Channel, Author and Teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon; she is a featured columnist for OM Times Magazine and has read for clients all over the world. To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

View Comments (3)
  • For me, dissolving negative, self-defeating, and/or painful feelings happens when I consciously separate the thoughts which fuel these feelings from the feelings themselves. Staying fully attuned to, completely experiencing the feelings, is for me the magical transformative alchemy, which dissolves these, transforming them into joy.
    Consciously moving from fear based emotions in my solar plexus, to my heart center, using my breath, instantly transforms my fears into love. I am fully protected from all negative vibrational influences when I’m in my heart center. There is nothing on this earth or in the heavens, or any of the realms of consciousness that can harm my when I’m in my heart.
    From my experiences in the magical realm of the natural world, my senses are the conduit to my intuitive nature, and my soul. For me the soul does not control anything. It teachers me through subtle whispers, through the “voices” of the various entities of nature, to let go of control. Disappear the/my ego mind, and the real authentic “me” emerges as pure non-conceptual, awareness, being, consciousness. In this state, there is no need for meditation, as I am that, what I’ve always been, and will always be, pure awareness, without an object From time to time I forget this ultimate truth about the “I” of who I really am, and are reminded by that soft, subtle whisper from eternity. Then I can stand in the center of my being, no longer limited by Past/Future/You/Me. Finally, living life becomes a joyful dance between form and formlessness, as I remain centered in the calm eye, of the hurricane of life’s inevitable contradictions whirling around me, and smile.
    Many Blessings to all
    Josh “Windwolf” Krasnoff

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