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Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery

Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery


This is what Papaji was speaking about. In that state it is very easy to communicate, not merely verbally but energetically, and there’s a silent exchange, a communication which is very subtle and beautiful, and it is without conflict because it is a non-conceptual communion.

Dirk Terpstra: What is the energy of love exactly, and how can we connect to this powerful energy?

Mooji: We are not connecting with love—we are love, just like we are not living life—we are life. Love is our essential being. The concept of connecting to love only comes because something feels disconnected from love. What feels disconnected from love is our self-image, the idea we have of who we are. This idea is not harmonious, it is not stable, and so from the standpoint of a person, there’s an urge to find something that is stable.

Because we have not questioned who we are sufficiently, the personal identity seems to prevail as a reality. We have an intuitive sense that we are stable and whole, and with this sense comes an urge to find that harmony or wholeness. But it cannot be found by the person, who is a psychological construct. Even if the person was able to find something that it could say is stable and whole, he would not be able to appreciate it continuously. The person is always changing, it is always unstable, and it is impossible for the changing to find and retain that which is unchanging.

See Also

We’re in a realm of constant movement, but in all of that, there’s a centre inside us that is unmoving—our true Self. The ultimate goal of any authentic spiritual seeking is to discover that stillness which is in the core of all movement. As soon as we recognize that in ourselves then we find that love Is. Love is not perfected, love is what we are. But while we are in the notion of ourselves as being only persons, autonomous individuals, then the game of struggling to find and to achieve seems very true.

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