Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery
Dirk Terpstra: Have you ever felt the desire to start a Satsang for children?
Mooji: I have been invited to visit schools and to talk with children, and I just ended up telling them stories that are based on understanding fundamental things in life. Children, like adults, deeply enjoy stories, and it is through these simple tales that they come to some important seeing, and an appreciation of what is already okay in themselves. Storytelling is a wonderful way through which children can grasp essential truths. But this goes for adults too.
I am very open to children participating in Satsang. Some children have even come and presented their questions, which were felt to be very mature and wise questions.
Dirk Terpstra: What do you feel is the most satisfying in the work that you do?
Mooji: [Mooji begins to smile, closes his eyes and slowly repeats my question.] The most satisfying is to listen to someone who is expressing through their own real seeing again. To see people being set free from their delusions and from concepts that we inherit or that we absorb in this dance called life, and coming back to something that is fundamental for every human being.
This is what I feel as the joy in my heart: that I can look at the human being, without any guilt or shame being experienced either way—a true meeting. I don’t need to know about their past or future projections, hopes and aspirations, or what their beliefs are, because I know what they cannot not be—the timeless and perfect Truth. And a joy floods my heart in knowing and witnessing this.
Dirk Terpstra is an intuitive speaker, coach and certified HeartMath trainer. Dirk carries out a simple message: You can only be at peace, feel fulfilled and be valuable to others, when you are honest with yourself and start closing the gap between who you appear to be and who you really are. You will then discover that you are beautiful and that all the answers already lie inside of you.