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Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery

Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery


Sometimes I call ‘Who am I?’ my piranha question—it consumes the questioner and everything he imagines to be true until nothing is left as permanent but pure awareness itself. Even the sense of the seeker, seeking for something, is itself perceived in this awareness, and that is an atomic discovery or recognition on the path to ultimate realization of the Self.

Dirk Terpstra: You recently said: “If you are open to Truth then you expand into greater and greater seeing.” Can you explain what the truth is exactly, how we recognize it and how we can connect to it?

Mooji: First of all I want to dispel what I feel is a misconception: Truth is not knowledge, it’s not some sacred cluster of concepts or philosophy. It is not that when you find truth, then you know and possess truth. It’s not like that. We are truth. We are also the physical or dynamic manifestation of truth, but our body is more our transient aspect of it. We are the unchanging truth, the timeless harmony. We are in fact one with the totality of all there is. See it as the collective expression of life, of joy, of wisdom, of peace, of diversity, and the play of apparent opposites—all of this we can say we are as dynamic being. I don’t believe in teaching this, because it is not so easy to grasp. I prefer to guide one into the direct recognition of the Self within, to discover the fullness of emptiness, because that is not difficult, if there is openness. Often, through clear and simple guidance people do become empty, but it is not a dead space like the mind’s version of emptiness. This emptiness is an indefinable, indivisible wholeness. Its fragrance is sweet too, as it emits great joy, wisdom, peace, compassion and love. This is a striking discovery which you don’t get through mere verbal or intellectual teaching.

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