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Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery

Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery


But in spite of that profound and direct experience of truth, it seems as though the mind just comes back in again with all those false ideas about one’s personal self and life, which triggers doubt in our real nature as effortless freedom, and so it appears that this understanding gets covered up. This is because we still retain a sense of personal identity that is the door through which these psychological energies will come back in again, and this can seem overwhelming for us. When the carnage of egoic thinking is felt, all the energy rush will go to the crime scene, so to speak, and you get the feeling that you lost the truth. If you believe this strongly, you are actually believing it into existence, and then you have to find counter beliefs to try and get yourself out of something, all of which is really illusory.

Much of our life is lived with these illusions, and if truth is really being discovered, then naturally it will expose illusions for what they really are, and they won’t be able to hold up in the light of truth. St Francis of Assisi once said, “What you are looking for is already where you are looking from.” That’s a very beautiful clue. Because of our conditioning and our trust in theoretical and objective knowledge, it can seem that truth can be discovered in a phenomenal way, but truth is the subject, not the object. It does take some form of grace to turn this understanding into direct experience, because we can get stuck in a very traditional, intellectual mode of perceiving. Truth cannot be discovered in the way we can discover anything else. Actually, we are already the truth we are hoping and searching to find, so there’s no need to look beyond yourself.

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