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Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery

Mooji – Step Into the Fire of Self-Discovery


I don’t feel that we need to put too much focus on finding a balance, but more on discovering what is true. Nobody can balance anything—balance is already there, inherent in our fundamental being. In the discovery of truth, it seems like balance comes alive through our consciousness and we realize that things are already in harmony by themselves. There’s nobody who can sustain that harmony, and even if there could be one who could do it, it would be a full-time occupation, leaving no time for joy’s natural expression or anything else. The ego always feels a bit out of balance and alignment, or separated from something that it intuitively knows as a centeredness or a completeness. There is a harmony present, but it can’t fully grasp what that harmony is.

It can seem as though the egoic standpoint is our factual being but it is only some kind of self-portrait. An idea we have of who we are is not the actuality of what we are and what is.

Real spiritual discovery is to discern and come to a living recognition that we are not merely our egoic conditioning. In fact if we were the conditioning, we would not be able to observe conditioning. As you follow along this line of inquiry and introspection, you will begin to develop a very natural recognition, which is not an objective recognition, and you will realize that you are beyond all appearances.

See Also

The truth is simple, but the seeker of truth is often complex. Therefore the seeker often expects that true recognition should be something enormous, something ungraspable and supernatural, but these are mere ideas which, ironically, arise from the source and simplicity that truth is. This subtle understanding is often overlooked.

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