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Interview with Anita Moorjani

Interview with Anita Moorjani


Interview with Anita Moorjani

Interview by Dirk Terpstra

Anita Moorjani has become something of an international sensation since her book ‘Dying To Be Me’  the New York Times bestsellers list only two weeks after its release in March, 2012.
Anita had experienced what most people never have; she ‘crossed over’ and came back to share what she learned. Her remarkable NDE (Near-Death Experience) and subsequent healing from end-stage cancer is one of the most amazing cases ever recorded. 

Anita-Moorjani_OMTimesDIRK TERPSTRA: Anita, you write that before your near-death experience you never really loved yourself or saw the beauty of your own soul. Can you explain to us what our soul actually is?

Anita Moorjani: You can reach your soul through the heart and through your emotions. Your soul is your essence, it’s who you are and it’s who you came here to be. It is the real you that is not your physical body. It’s that light, that baby that you were right after birth. You were more connected to your soul at that time. ?

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You came here, happy, laughing, wanting to experience life and that light gets diminished by the years as we go into our physical lives. You get reprimanded, you get put down and get taught fears. So your soul, your light in fact, becomes smaller, it actually gets suppressed. I can explain it to you with the following example.

Imagine a beach ball, like an inflatable beach ball. When you try to push it down in the water, it pushes back, right? So, it’s not that the beach ball gets smaller, but the water pushes and pushes and pushes against it. It’s just like that with the physical you and the outside world. So basically, your soul starts to drown.

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