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Whose Mirror Are You Looking Into?

Whose Mirror Are You Looking Into?

What Does Your Mirror Say?

by Chessie Roberts

Your mirror is a wonderful source on information for you. Is your face clean? Do you need to clean your teeth? How does your hair look? Do you need to shave? All of that is helpful; however, it can give you false information, too.

For instance, if someone tells you that your hair style doesn’t suit you, it may become a source of conflict for you if you believe that they may be correct. After that, every time you pass a mirror, you perceive their idea of your hair rather than the one you had before the comment. This can lead to further reassessments, if you are so inclined, until you are no longer satisfied with anything about your self and you are totally unhappy with your physical being.

This can and does happen on a regular basis, not only in your physical body but in your emotional body as well. When you feel that you are substandard, you will be. This feeling of failure and unworthiness will cascade throughout your body, mind, and spirit spectrum until you have created illness, ‘isms’ and syndromes for yourself. This is basically a third chakra issue that you can fix, if you can recognize what is happening.

The first thing to do is stop taking the opinions of those around you to heart. Be gentle with yourself, and decide just what it is that feels right to you. Do you like your haircut or style? Then it is right for you. One of your friends may say that it isn’t right for you. However, if you like it, then thank them for their advice and forget it. You could choose the same response for other comments.

When might you listen to others? When you begin to hear the same information from different sources. Information such as, “You seem cold and stand-offish.” That type of insight, from different areas, may point to something you do need to investigate. Attitude and behavioral issues are changeable. If you are putting people off because of them, you could find out what the problem might be so that you can make positive progress in your growth on all levels.

When you look at yourself, envision yourself at your best rather than your worst; your strongest rather than your weakest. Once you begin to asses yourself on a deeper level, making changes that raise your vibrations and your self-awareness, you will be able to change what you feel ought to be changed and do it in your time frame. You may find that living your life by committee pleases no one, least of all you. Let your input come from being consciously aware of who and what you truly are, and create the best you possible.

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About the Author

Chessie Roberts is a Singer/Songwriter, Spiritual Teacher, Mind-set Mentor, Meditation Coach, Author, Radio Host, Lecturer and the Founder/Creator of Evolution of Self: Journey into Body, Mind, Spirit Balance. Experience with severe, crippling arthritis was the catalyst to share her healing, experiential, self-improvement program with those who wish to rediscover their balance of Body, Mind, and Spirit. You can find Chessie’s programs and products at, her Radio Program at, her music at, and her latest book at

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