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Choosing Love Over Fear

Choosing Love Over Fear

Free will, life-changing decisions, karma and soul themes. All of these variables and more can insist on crashing into each other with extreme force for some who are trying to overcome the fear of loving. Yes, the absolute fear of loving and giving away too much of ourselves. Spiritually, we are discovering the concepts of unconditional love and detachment from outcome.

As evolving beings, we are being asked to make choices that some find extremely challenging because of their delicate hearts.

It is no myth that people have died on this earthly plane from a broken heart but it doesn’t have to happen. We are truly learning how to heal our hearts by listening to our spiritual connections.

We can regain the true power we were born with by heightening our ability to absolutely know there is so much more to being than these physical needs and human emotions.

The anxiety that we hold onto has nothing to do with the future unless we allow it and everything to do with past experience feeding fleeting emotions.

How do we let those fears become lessons learned with new and amazing insights unfolding everyday? Where do we put those visions of times when we were less than loved and accepted, remembering we are always loved and accepted? Every single minute we are alive on this planet we are being cared for by the spiritual beings that share our energy and love us unconditionally. They bring us hope through messages, signs, synchronicities and people.

Often people are so bitter over “something” that someone has done to them in the past they don’t see the amazing people doing wonderful things for them right now in the present. The inability to forgive, to let go and start the healing process takes courage. The healing can take awhile but when we are aware of the need to heal, we are making tremendous soul growth.

When we look at someone through our spiritual eyes, we can always begin to understand the situation with more clarity.

We learn to leave behind our judgments and expectations of others. It becomes our responsibility to change our behavior towards acceptance and forgiveness. When we can center our souls to our inner peace and acceptance of ourselves, we can balance our reactions with much less emotion and harmful thoughts.

There is no one way or one path to healing a heart to love again. It depends on the soul experience of the person. Evolving the mind to program the information differently, eating healthy food, seeking friends and outside activities keep the healing process flowing.

We come here with missions and knowledge. Sometimes we come here remembering hurtful experiences from a time before. We all have the ability to ask our spiritual guides to help us release all that no longer serves a purpose, to us to make room to manifest our best future.

In meditation and prayer, we can learn to release the bonds in our souls that affect our lives here so deeply and block us from having as much love as we can find in this life. Through friends, family, and all the amazing souls we meet throughout this journey, we have the opportunity to give out as much love as we allow ourselves to give. In return, the love created multiplies, and it never ends…

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, spiritual adviser, healing energy channel, author and teacher. She is the co-founder of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) 3 non-profit charity. Her book “Friends with Lights, A True Story” is available on Amazon; A featured columnist for OM Times Magazine, she has read for clients all over the world.

To read more and contact for a reading/healing session or to schedule a private workshop:

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