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Dreams are the Window to the Soul

Dreams are the Window to the Soul


Here’s a useful tip. Before you go to bed, write down the issue or concern in your dream journal. It’s a bit like submitting your incubation request. Read it a few times to yourself before you drift off to sleep, so it remains fresh in your sub-conscious, allowing source to give you guidance. Try to keep the question or issue as short as possible, preferably to one sentence. For instance, you might write: “What’s the next move for me in my career?” or “How can I improve my relationship?” or even, “What’s going on with my body at this time?” It helps to wake up gently, so I hope you don’t have an alarm clock that shocks you awake!

When you awake, write down in your journal everything you received in the dream, anything that stands out, symbols, feelings, emotions, even the colors before your feet touch the floor, because by the time you get back from the bathroom, the dream may have slipped away. You may not remember anything or feel as though you didn’t even dream at all. Don’t give up. Try it for a few nights as you get used to programming yourself to dream and condition yourself to start remembering them. Ask the same question for a few nights and record in your journal anything and everything you receive, even if it doesn’t make sense. Even if it seems like a puzzle, the pieces will eventually fit together and you’ll see the message of guidance materialize from the pieces. When it happens for the first time, you’ll ask yourself how you didn’t see it before, as it will seem so obvious. That’s the beauty of dreams.

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