Getting Answers from Your Angels During Dreamtime

By Carmen Vasquez
Our dreamtime it’s one of the most productive times we have to get spiritual answers and guidance and also to have a spiritual growth.
We often have different types of dreams, some of them are just caused by the effect of our daily life and mean not too much, but we also have the ability to create a deep connection with our Angels and Spirit Guides during this time and have psychic dreams that announce our future or can even give us guidance about our daily life, family, career, friends, etc.
You can receive any answer or guidance during your dream time inviting your Angels to come and being with you before you go to sleep.
Most of us are really busy during our daytime creating a blockage to clearly hear and follow our Angels signs or guidance, so this is a very special way to be open and receive clear answers and guidance because while we are sleeping, we are out of our regular thinking mode and patterns, so it’s more easier for them to transfer any Divine idea.
To be prepared and open to allow your Angels to deliver anything they need during your dream time, you just need to do one simple thing before going to sleep:
Take a moment to meditate and connect with your Angels, then firmly ask something like “Dear God and Angels, come to my dreams while I am sleeping and give me clear guidance and answers to _________________ (Fill out the blank with your specific need)… Then, please Angels, I ask you to help me to remember my dreams and allow me to understand their meaning very easily once I wake up” Thank you God and Angels.
You can use this powerful petition or create your own. Even thought you usually do not remember your dreams, asking them to come and being with you during your dream time will shift your consciousness helping you having a vivid and lucid dream.
Immediately, after you wake up you will remember your dream just like if you were watching a movie; you can write down this dream and ask them for clarification if you do not understand the meaning (If you are the kind of person that used to said:
I never dream! “Try to practice this and you will see how you will be having ludid dreams).
Another thing that can happen when you ask your Angels for help during your dreamtime is they can awake you in the middle of the night with brilliant ideas, the inspiration to write a book, solutions to a specific situation, or any other thing that can be an amazing idea.
All of us have the same power and access to the powerful connection to God and Angels’ information, specially when our minds are quite and resting; all of us are connected to the infinite wisdom of God and you can create anything just giving them the right to enter in your dreams and ask directly to you.
You cannot only ask them for answers or guidance, you can also ask your Angels to heal your life during your dreamtime, your emotions, thoughts, or any other thing you can imagine.
Dreamtime is an excellent platform to increase our psychic abilities and let our Angels and Spiritual Guides work on us. After a healing time during your sleep, when you wake up you could feel tired but emotionaly happy and refreshed; you may not remember anything of the healing work they did, but you will feel it deeply inside you.
About the Author
Carmen Vasquez and her husband are the founders of Journey Angels. She is the author of “Magic Is Everywhere” and also “My Angel Journal” that will be launched very soon.
Working as a spiritual life coach and metaphysical person, Vasquez works one to one with each of their clients helping them to connect with the power that each of them have inside and finding the way to manifest a life full of peace, harmony and balance in each area of their lives. For more information you can send an email to or visit any of the different Journey Angels’ sites.
Right now Journey Angels is working in the production of their first documentary “Kids of Light”.
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