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The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing

The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing

The Living Matrix

Directed by Greg Becker

Are energy and information fields the key to good health?

Enjoy this movie tonight at no charge from our friends at Gaiam TV. Just click the pic!

The Living Matrix uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors affecting our health. Featuring internationally known healer, Dr. Eric Pearl; cellular biologist and former Stanford University professor Dr. Bruce Lipton; author Lynne McTaggart, and former U.S. astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, this riveting documentary reveals genetics do not control our health and wellbeing.

OMTimes readers can watch The Living Matrix tonight for FREE on Gaiam TV! Just click the movie picture or visit The Living Matrix on Gaiam TV.

About The Living Matrix

The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health. We talk with a group of dedicated scientists, psychologists, bioenergetic researchers and holistic practitioners who are finding healing potential in a wide variety of new places.

See Also

In the film, researchers and others who faced health challenges put the science in perspective when they tell their stories. The family of a young Greek boy with cerebral palsy tries to improve his quality of life through reconnective healing. A British woman, diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, immerses herself in neuro-linguistic programming. An American woman runs out of options to treat her chronic fatigue syndrome, and as a last resort, begins using an information-based therapy. All three make remarkable recoveries.

Science-based healing of “miracle cures?”

Modern biochemical medicine has no framework for explaining these events, often dismissing them as spontaneous remissions… or the result of some kind of placebo effect.

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