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Breaking Free from Worry

Breaking Free from Worry


Many of us are not even aware when we’re worrying. That’s the nature of habit-forming characteristics. Becoming aware is an important part of worry reduction. As you become more conscious of the habit of worrying, it’s possible to develop the ability to switch it off before it takes over.

Worry can be set off by something as simple as watching the news on television with all the graphic images. If you’re the sort of person that’s affected by the news, it’s possible that it will push you into a state of worry and stress. You can’t change the world, but you can change yourself. By working on yourself, you’re nourishing the overall positive consciousness of the world that we’re all connected to. Let’s take a few minutes to identify what you worry about most?

Here are just a few examples of what we typically worry about:

We worry about our families

We worry about our finances

We worry about our careers or lack of one

We worry about what other people think of us

We worry if we’re too fat or too thin

We worry about going to the doctor or dentist

We worry about rising fuel costs

See Also

We worry about exams or a test

We worry about other people’s problems

We worry because it’s all that we know how to do

People are affected by worry in different ways, and there is no one-way to heal or cure worry, regardless of the circumstances. Some people may even need therapy or counseling, but it’s healthy to take a look at your life from time to time, and try some basic cognitive restructuring. This next exercise, rearranging your mental landscape is a neat way of helping to manage your worrying habits.

 John’s Lesson

This week make a list of what you worry about the most. Identify what you think about when you worry. Try to listen to the internal dialogue and what you’re saying to yourself. Keep a note of these thoughts. Allow yourself only so much time to worry and try to move on.

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