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Breaking Free from Worry

Breaking Free from Worry


Once you’ve got into the routine of journaling your worry thoughts, take the notes and spend some time analyzing each thought. What’s the evidence for the thought? Is it likely to happen? Has it ever happened before? Finally, is there any logic or reason to believe that it will ever happen? If not, cross it off the list with a big red pen!

What’s the worst thing that could happen? Plan out how you’d handle it. What actions could you take to minimize the effect? Write down what you need to do.

As you keep your journal of these worries and the possible actions you might take, try to write them in two columns so the new thoughts form a positive outcome.

When you worry, you tend to imagine the worst thing that could happen. You can also imagine the best thing that could happen. Try turning it around!

Meditate and practice the “Relaxing the Body Meditation” and begin to talk to your higher self and ask if there’s another way that you can let go of this worry or concern. Be open and ask if there’s some other advice that you need to hear at this time?

See Also
Georgina Cannon

As you start making subtle changes in the way you think, how much you worry, or what you worry about, remember this: Any change you attempt to make will only be temporary, unless you own that change yourself. No one else can make it happen for you, only you! You have to be responsible for your own change. Believing that you should change is not enough. You have to say to yourself that you must change – that you can change.

Have a SOUL filled week!

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