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Marianne Williamson – The Heart of Conscious Politics

Marianne Williamson – The Heart of Conscious Politics

Photo ©Michael Tighe

OMTimes: Do you have a final message for our readers?

Marianne Williamson: I think that a lot of times people say I am not involved with politics because it is a low conscious business. However, my message here is that you cannot be selectively conscious, you cannot be selectively awake, you cannot say “I am awake about food and the planet and the environment and everything but politics. There is no serious spiritual path which gives anyone a pass on addressing the suffering of other beings and that is what we are really talking about in politics. We are talking about unnecessary human suffering that occurs throughout the world because of reckless and irresponsible behavior on the part of governments who are mainly driven by money.

In the United States, all the great social justice movements have been driven by spiritual communities: Abolitionist Movement emerged from the Quakers, much of the women’s suffrage movements emerged from the Quakers and of course the civil rights movement emerged from Dr. Martin Luther King, a preacher in Atlanta and the southern Christian Leadership Conference.

This idea that somehow spirituality does not have any roll in politics just belies the truth of American history. Not only have we always had something to do with it, we have always been the foundation of all the great social justice movements. When you dwell within yourself in a spiritual perspective which is nothing other than a path of the heart, you have the capacity to stand with conviction that certain things are simply wrong and you stand on that and that gives you what Mahatma Gandhi called “Soul Force”. Equally as strong is that if you have a spiritual perspective that you know that the improbable is imminently feasible – that which is not yet shall be and can be, should enough people pour our hearts into making it so. That is tremendous power. That is spiritual power. It is not just power to change our hearts. That is the spiritual power that gives us the opportunity to change the world! The social potential here is huge.

See Also
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To connect with Marianne Williamson and support her campaign.


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