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Nick Ortner Has a Tapping Solution

Nick Ortner Has a Tapping Solution


SL: We are both inspired by Wayne Dyer and one of his favourite quotes is: “You’ll see it when you believe it”.

So why do we have to focus on the negative rather than the positive when we’re tapping?

top-head1Nick: Louise Hay has a similar quote and she says: “If you want to clean the house, you have to see the dirt”. You really have to see where the dirt is so that you can take the broom and sweep it up. And that’s what we’re doing with tapping, we’re just acknowledging the negative for a short period of time. It’s not about living there, it’s not about going there every single day. It’s about acknowledging how we feel.

What I found is that there are a lot of people who have taken on the idea of positive thinking and positive affirmations, which I believe in completely, also when tapping we do positive affirmations and thinking. But quite a few people have taken it to the extreme, so what will happen is, someone will do something that offends them, that will make them angry and they initially react angrily because they’ve been attacked in some way and they very quickly think “No, I need to be positive and they will swallow it down”. What we’re doing with tapping, we’re saying “Let’s take a moment to acknowledge how I feel, not to reject how you feel”.

See Also
Joy Harjo

The tapping could start like this: “Even though I have this problem I deeply love and accept myself”, you’re acknowledging you have this problem and that you accept yourself with it. What I find is when you do that, people feel such a sense of relief, they can speak like “Yeah I am angry about it” and they do the tapping and next thing you know they’re not angry anymore. They’ve let it go. But we need to acknowledge those primal parts of ourselves that do get angry, that do get anxious, that feel threatened. When we don’t acknowledge them, when we bury them deep and they usually end up bursting out in other places.

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