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Nick Ortner Has a Tapping Solution

Nick Ortner Has a Tapping Solution


SL: You claim that tapping is one of the easiest and fastest practices to learn. But we’re also dealing here with underlying emotional issues and events and limiting beliefs we’ve been holding on to for years. Can you elaborate on that?

tapping-solution_OMTimesNick: Absolutely and that’s a great point. I think it takes five minutes to learn the basics of tapping and it takes a lifetime to master it. I am still mastering it – for myself and for my clients. During a new experience with a client, I might have ideas, I might have guidelines and past experience that can point me in the right direction, but I am often surprised about what comes up, like a limiting belief that I have never heard before.

My role as a practitioner and as an author and teacher is to help piece those together and for the individual it’s the same thing. You can learn the tapping in 5 minutes, you can have an experience and say “This works, I was angry before and now I am a little less angry or I’ve let it go”. For the deeper change it’s more work and it’s an evolving process.

See Also

Right now I am working on my second book which is “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief”. At the simplest level tapping on pain relief I can get results with people in 5 – 20 minutes and having a significant shift in their pain. The more complicated cases are just that – more complicated – and what ends up happening; pain is an example of how something gets layered and of how one issue stacks on top of the other.

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