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When Your Subconscious Says: Healthy Self

When Your Subconscious Says: Healthy Self


by Hilde Pols

Did you just read “healthy self” or “heal thy self”? Funny, how the English language can let your subconscious speak to you. And in this case it has just told you if deep down it considers you to be healthy or if it is time to take your healing into your own hands. It has told you whether you are chasing what you consider to be health, or whether you are content with your current condition. If it has been a while, take a moment to say hello. For this voice is always present. And indeed it is a present, as it is ready to mirror your perception of your inner and outer world and to guide you in your choices and decisions – your health being just one of them. The question is: are you ready to listen?

If you read “heal thy self” this does not mean you are to throw away your medication or stop seeing your doctors. Rather it is inviting you be active in the process of healing. A healthy self is a self working as a whole. Etymologically, the word heal goes back to the same route as German “heil(en)” which, next to the common meaning of ‘heal(ing)’, literally means (to) make whole.

Heal Thy Self

What does it mean to be healthy, or whole? Is it a question of being perfect or never ill? If so a handicapped person would be barred from the “healthy club” for life. Health can be seen as awareness and balance of the whole. It goes beyond the physical being, and asks the question if you are in balance with yourself – body, mind and soul. A healthy physique can come with an unbalanced mind – the most brilliant mind can live in an ill body. It is as much a matter of feeling and being, as it is a mindset and a way of life. And to each this will be unique, based on their physical, mental and psychological circumstances. Healing of course aims at curing illness and other ailments. Doctors are invaluable to help you accomplish this. But the emphasis is on help. They are not in your body, and thus can only work according to what they observe. Hence it is important to be an active part of the healing process and in many cases, this means to not only focus on the body, but also on the mind with its habits and interpretations of the world.

Healthy Self

How long has it been since you “met” with your subconscious for a chat, or even just listened to its input? Nowadays we are so in our minds and seeking out logical solutions, that we overlook other options. Gut instinct gets pushed to one side and we might even be scared of the solution our heart is indicating. We seek advice from others and are guided by what people think of our actions. So if something goes wrong it is easy enough to blame someone else, right? But why did it go wrong? The action or decision might not have been in line with your inner self. Would you stumble around in a shoe size 8, just because that is what your neighbor wears? No. So why do we feel we have to “be”, act and live according to what others tell us to do? If you can move away from your mind and consult with your gut and heart you will find your perfect shoe size, your perfect way of life. This is not to say it will be a bump free road. Yet it being your road, you will have the means to travel it in a much better way than trying to scout out a path set by others.

“Be yourself, you can’t be anybody else.” ~ Tubby the Tuba

Listen to your heart and gut, and dare to follow their guidance. And if you think they are not guiding you, why not invite them into the conversation? Would you keep on offering input to a project, if nobody is listening to what you are saying? Likewise, the heart and gut might need some coaxing and reassurance that you do want to listen and value their input. Start out with something small and encourage your gut and heart to chime in. Your mind does not have to do all the work. Here are some ways how you can get started:

  • What food does your gut recommend for lunch today?
    • Be sure to ask your gut and not your habit driven mind. How you feel after this meal compared to a mind- or habit-driven meal.
  • Which route should you take to your destination? – or – Where can you find a parking space?
    • Our intuition can guide us to find less congested routes or that free parking space. Be mindful of how the streets look to you and where you are drawn to go.
  • Ask your heart to guide you in a tricky conversation.
    • The logics of the mind has difficulty in recognizing and dealing with emotions, whilst the heart is a wonderful guide when finding the right words and offering sincerity and understanding.

Start small and be ready to marvel at the little coincidences and new opportunities that open up in life. You are healing yourself and enabling yourself to tackle bigger challenges – whether physical health, relationships or even that dream you have been pondering.

See Also

Heal Thy Self and you will find your Healthy Self.

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About the Author

Hilde Pols combines her music training with her energy work: As a flute and ensemble teacher she developed many techniques to encourage creativity and a sense of the own body, mind and soul. As a Certified Meditation Instructor, Healer and Dorn/Breuss Therapist she supports individuals to take life into their own hands. Providing healing and other modalities at in Germany, she has also taught in Denmark and the US.

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