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Isabelle Von Fallois and the Power of Your Angels

Isabelle Von Fallois and the Power of Your Angels

But one day while on Maui in Hawai’i I was touched by pure grace and an incredible encounter with whales. Within a very short period of time they truly downloaded the whole structure of the book while I was swimming and watching them. It was AMAZING! And I knew this book was meant to be in the world.

OMTimes: You experienced a profound encounter with Archangel Raphael tell us about that?

Isabelle Von Fallois: After fighting for my life for nearly 4 years, I made a decision on my 34th birthday in April of 2004 I would not go to another doctor or healer. During the proceeding 4 years I had had a fever almost for 4 days out of every week. I was weak beyond words. So I truly put my life in the hands of God and the angels.

At the time, the only thing I could do more or less, was lay in bed, read, pray and meditate. Through a “coincidence” I discovered a book by Doreen Virtue, which opened my eyes in a new way. Somehow I was sure that if she was able to communicate with angels, I could do it too.

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So for 2 months I invited the angels into my life daily. During one morning meditation I felt a powerful change in the air and opened my eyes. My mouth fell open as in front of me, visible for my physical eyes, stood the most loving angel with magnificent wings surrounded by shimmering emerald green light. Tears started to run from my eyes as he spoke to me: “I AM Archangel Raphael. Finally you can see me, finally you can hear me and now I can help you heal!” It was absolutely breathtaking and beautiful beyond words. From that moment on he was by my side and gave me advice about what to do to heal so that day-by-day I felt a little bit better.

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