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Is Energetic Healing Real

Is Energetic Healing Real

by Blanca Beyar

If someone would have asked me 20 years ago if I believed in the power of energy healing, I probably would have said no. Around that time span, I was 2 years shy of having my own spiritual awakening and I was suffering from severe back pain. I was seeing a doctor and taking medications for my pain. There were no energetic healers in sight and I had no clue what it was all about.

Five years later, I opened up my private practice as a Spiritual Counselor and Healer and since then, I have been a witness to countless of miraculous healings on many different levels of the mind/body/spirit. Healings are not always instantaneous and miraculous; sometimes there is a need to “heal” several layers of the Self before true healing is revealed on a specific level. However, energy healing is not only real–it is a viable and authentic alternative modality that can assist in transforming the energetic fields that compose the mass of the body, of the mind and spirit. This is so because in truth, the body is another form of pure energy.

On a denser frequency, the mind/body can be manipulated by touch and treated but on a subtler level, the mind/body/spirit can be energetically recalibrated, repaired, refueled and restored. Energetically, all things can be brought back to their proper balance and harmony can be established. However, in order for this to occur, we need to stop limiting the existence of the mind/body as a vessel of mere “matter” and expand our consciousness to recognize the magnetic field of energy that really defines the temple of the body.

The Power of the Healing Touch

There are some who believe that energetic healing is subliminal and more about mind over matter; if someone believes that they will be healed of an ailment or released of heavy energies, then, they will automatically feel better because they are allowing themselves to accept this belief as truth. I always say that Willingness is the greatest protocol for healing to occur and that optimal healing can occur when someone is open and willing to believe that it is possible. We will truly never know whether subliminal suggestions plays a part in the energetic healing process but my response to that is–“As long as it works, then why does it need to be defined?”

I truly believe that many factors may play a role in energetic healing: Willingness, Faith, Trust, Openness, Permission, and the receipt of Unconditional Love. As already mentioned, Willingness is always the greatest protocol but faith and trust in the process of healing are also very important. Many times, I have had someone on my table who has shared with me that they do not believe in a higher power; a God. However, these individuals have told me that they trust me and my own faith in the process of healing–and that was enough for them to be opened to the process.

Others have also shared that although they are not sure if healings really can help them to heal, they experience a great comfort in having the permission to voice their emotions, fears and their pain without judgment. Many individuals are simply looking for someone to tell them that it is OK to feel a certain way, to show compassion and to offer them unconditional love. It is amazing how healing these little gestures of love can truly heal!

Healing Beyond the Subliminal

While we may never be able to prove or disprove whether there is a subliminal suggestion implanted in an individual’s conscious or sub-conscious regarding the process of energetic healing, there are other dynamics of energy healing that cannot be so quickly dispelled as subliminal but that truly validate the presence of a higher perception of sensitivity and energetic communication.

Yesterday, I spent time with someone who sprained his neck while working out. The person was lying down on the healing table and I proceeded to place my hand on his neck when suddenly, I had the vision of his energetic body and I could clearly see “Hot Spots” in other parts of his body. I intuitively was guided to his left knee and to the right side of his lower back and could detect that there was pain in these hot spots. The person was astonished by the accuracy of the “hot spots” and validated that these particular areas were also experiencing pain and discomfort.

Energetic healing is much more than subliminal suggestion; it is about rising vibration to a higher realm of divine consciousness where we can allow higher perception of intuitive vision to reach the energetic levels of existing vibration–of life–and then, to facilitate the highest levels of pure energy in order to transmute and transform the existing energy vibrations to a higher quality of frequency. 

See Also

True Healing Can Occur

True healing can occur when we allow ourselves to release all the debris that is heavy and toxic; both physical and emotional. The body is a messenger that signals us through disharmony and malady that there is disharmony in our inner-being; whether it is stress, anger, depression or lack of self-love. It does not matter if the “knock on the door of the body” is a stubbed toe or something more serious; a stubbed toe may simply be a message to slow down or to be more aware…while an illness like diabetes may be a result of pent-up anger and bitterness.

Energy healing may not completely change the state of someone’s emotions but it can restore the spiritual reservoir and remove enough static debris to allow someone to regain enough emotional and spiritual strength to become proactive in their own healing. At the end, energy healing is a sacred vehicle by which we can receive a reboot from the Cosmos and be given the opportunity to regain enough prana to help us rise from a dense state. One note: healings alone can become a short fix if we are not willing to consciously look at our patterns of thinking and of behaving. The perfect combination is when we can incorporate energy work with cleansing and action work…this is where miracles can become a new way of everyday experience.

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About the Author

Blanca is the author of nine self-help books. She has maintained a private holistic practice for over 15 years and as a teacher, has attuned over 200 students around the world. Feel free to visit her website at:

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