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Keith Mitchell: Exclusive Interview

Keith Mitchell: Exclusive Interview

KeithOMTimes: “We are all athletes playing the game of life and trying to find our niche.” What is your niche in life right now?

Keith Mitchell: Well, my niche and what I see as my calling is to share and to serve. I started working in developing a holistic wellness facility for athletes and now that I met Congressman Tim Ryan, I see a perfect fit for this facility to work with the veteran’s bill and I also created which is a wellness expo that we are going to do for kids and educating them with the tools. Here in LA I have the opportunity to take a kid from Beverly Hills and connect him or her with a kid from South Central and they can stay connected, they can meet each other, they can connect through social media, can go through high school together, through college together and the continuation of this network is unlimited.

There’s also a way that conscious companies can come together because they need support as well and they can create a network between themselves and then connect with the media to help people understand they exist. Meditation reclaims the mind, yoga reclaims the body and this, in my opinion, reclaims and builds our community.

OMTimes: What would you say to those who are trying to find their niche in life?

See Also

Keith Mitchell: In regards to the mindful5K we have a component for the adults as well and we like to explain to them what we’re doing and getting them excited about it. We have a 5K run (or walk) and hopefully their experience will be so great that they want to come inside and try to experience what we’re serving them. The interesting thing is, I am really drawn to men and I think we can create a nice movement with people like yourself, with all men and connecting them so they can still hold this masculine presence but also embrace the femininity.

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