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Panache Desai: Your Infinite Potential

Panache Desai: Your Infinite Potential

Panache continues by saying, “There is a huge momentum, a huge wave right now that is building. The lie is unsustainable. The lie is everything you have to live up to and everything you have to deliver and be in order to be loved – that’s the lie. The lie is that you don’t need to be anything in order to be loved; you are already loved. In truth, this isn’t about overcoming things; this is about coming into harmony with things because when you are in harmony with yourself, you are in harmony with everything and everyone.

There is no longer any block to your receptivity, and then literally, the people, places, situations, and deny-ers that show up literally show up to elevate you into your grandest expression.” On the subject of free will, he asserts, “Free will is absolutely an illusion. It exists on one level.

On the personal level, on the level of your ego, you have the illusion of free will. The way I’ve seen it is that everything is just unfolding as part of a grand design.” Inquiring how we can release limitations that hinder the ability to live a life of purpose, passion, and joy, Panache communicates, “I don’t mean to sound repetitive, but the first thing that needs to happen is acceptance. We have to get out of this place of believing that we are broken, that we need fixing, that we need healing, that we need changing, so the first thing we need to do is shift out of judgment and into acceptance. Acceptance opens the pathway for allowing.” Concluding our conversation, I asked Panache for advice he may offer others on their own journey into consciousness. He shared three takeaways for the listener/reader:

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