Reid Tracy – The Powerhouse Behind Hay House

I also teach workshops about publishing and I help many new authors to get their books out. We started a division of Hay House called Balboa Press, which helps new authors get their books published.
OMTimes: Over the years you have developed Hay House into a thriving, global business. In what way has working for Hay House changed you personally?
Reid Tracy: Really, it’s just the way that I look at everything which is totally different from the way I did when I was younger. Like I said, being around all these authors…The funny thing is that I didn’t really realize how much it affected me until my friends and family members ask me a question and then I heard the answer coming out of my own mouth and it sounds like all the books that I published and all the speeches I’ve have been attending, so I figured out that it was working, that the way of looking at the world that we present at Hay House is helpful to lots and lots of people and it has been helpful to me as well.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that you’re working in this business because I’m doing all the day-to-day business stuff and one misconception people might have about Hay House is that in some ways we’re like every other business –we have to pay the bills, have employees, have ups and downs of the business, but in the end the fun part is during our live events, where people go up to each of the authors and say: “This book changed my life”. I always stand there and just listen to them because not very many people know who I am and they tell the authors: “Your books changed my life”and it’s all the way from the smallest authors to the biggest authors. Each of the books affect so many people and you don’t really realize it until you’re in front of the people and see in their faces and their expressions how much the works and the books and the seminars mean to them.

Dirk Terpstra is an intuitive speaker, coach and certified HeartMath trainer. Dirk carries out a simple message: You can only be at peace, feel fulfilled and be valuable to others, when you are honest with yourself and start closing the gap between who you appear to be and who you really are. You will then discover that you are beautiful and that all the answers already lie inside of you.