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Reid Tracy – The Powerhouse Behind Hay House

Reid Tracy – The Powerhouse Behind Hay House


OMTimes: What do you see as your biggest accomplishment through the years at Hay House?

Reid Tracy: When I started at Hay House we had three books and five tapes so it was a very small company and the reach of the people was also very small, despite the fact that Louise was very popular and had a best selling book. Over the years we have been able to expand that from the eight products to the thousands of products we currently have. And like you mentioned, we sell those products all over the world, not just through Hay House and the English speaking countries where we have offices, but we license our products, every single day, to other countries and languages and so we’re present in many different countries.

Last year we started with the online Hay House World Summit and repeated it this year. We reached over a million people in 204 countries and territories. So the biggest accomplishment is the reach of Hay House, the reach of the message has expanded tremendously. In the United States alone we have sold over 60 million books.

OMTimes: How do you keep the balance between running a multi million dollar business and promoting spiritual and self-help messages? Can this be conflicting in your decision-making or is it helpful?

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Reid Tracy: The messages are very helpful to me, but like you said, running this big company can cause the same stresses and strains of anyone running a big company and sometimes you forget what you’re teaching in the books –you work too much or have the-day-to-day pressure and then you tend to forget that everything is going to turn out in the right way.

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