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The Spiritual Entrepreneur

The Spiritual Entrepreneur


by Margaret Ann Lembo

There is an ever growing number of spiritual practitioners who offer services in the holistic community. Some have stumbled upon their calling to assist others on this planet and others entered their career with clear intention. Yet the questions I pose for contemplation and action is, “Are you a Spiritual Entrepreneur? Do you see yourself as a business owner?” If you are deriving your livelihood from your work as a self-employed massage therapist, yoga instructor, astrologer, spiritual healer, metaphysical bookstore owner or any of the long lists of spiritual practitioners then you are a Spiritual Entrepreneur.

The definition of entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. A spiritual entrepreneur is one who offers service relating to or affecting the human spirit, body, mind and emotions – a holistic approach to happiness and overall wellness. 

Spiritual Businesses

A visionary bookstore, holistic spa or yoga studio is quintessential gathering place for the spiritual community. Customers visiting your store are there for the full experience. Some of the customers may not know why they are there at first visit, yet, they will soon realize that it’s probably due time for an awakening of their consciousness. And, where better for a realization and to find inner peace than your store, spa or yoga studio. Regardless of whether you are an solitary one person business or part of a whole, the principles and ideas set forth here can assist you in improving your consciousness regarding successful business practices.

Your studio, home office or store probably already has many gemstones. It appears that many spiritual practitioners resonate well with the use of crystals and gemstones for personal alignment or as part of their practice. While that sparkling treasure might be for sale or just pretties shining their light as decorative pieces, there are some key gems you can put in specific places that can increase sales and your income.

Simple placement of stones can improve the overall vibe of your sacred space, office or store. Elevate your business – even if you are a mobile practitioner like a massage therapist who travels from client to client – to sanctuary status and you will hear your client have even more a-ha realizations and sighs of relief. Gratitude will expand and create a win-win for everyone. Create a grid of crystals through your store and place each stone with intention. 

Write it down!

Everything is energy. Set your intentions for the store. Decide to be a spiritual entrepreneur. Make a list of what you want to achieve. Determine what part of the store or your practice needs energizing and dedicate a crystal for that intention. Every time you see the stone, you’ll remember why you placed it there. This will automatically reactivate your intention and the law of attraction will be in effect. Involve your staff so they know the matching intention with each stone. Many good thoughts multiply the intensity of the intention. 

What are you wearing?

Dress with consciousness. The colors of your clothes and the gemstones adorning your fingers, ears, and neck are part of the mix. Wear amazonite or aquamarine on a day that you need to talk to an employee to improve their skills. Choose red clothes and wear some garnet on a day you are feeling weary to re-energize you! Place a hematite ring on your finger and a black tourmaline necklace around your neck to keep you grounded and focused or if you want to keep your client’s energy out of your personal energy field. Put an emerald in your pocket and watch income or sales soar! 

Create a grid

Here is a sample list of intentions, the matching stones, and some suggested locations.

Goal/intention Gemstones Location
Increased sales Emerald, jade, pyrite Register or wherever you keep money you receive from clients.
Improved customer relations Angelite, celestite, sodalite Wherever you interact the most often
Protection and anti-theft Black tourmaline, selenite Front and back door, 4 corners of the store
Increase readings/private sessions angelite, amethyst, moldavite Reader’s space, in your massage table cover if you are mobile
Profitable events/book signings Golden calcite, amazonite, emerald Event planner’s desk and in the classroom
Improved management skills Emerald, onyx, red tiger’s eye, stilbite Owner &/or manager’s desk


Hire a rock!

Blue calcite is helpful if you are making a career change that involves metaphysics, New Age, or other spiritual pursuits. This stone grounds you so that you can get your work done, which is especially helpful for those involved in visionary businesses. Employ blue calcite as a member of your staff to keep you on task.

You can have fun while you create your reality by picking stones, jewelry and your clothing to match your intentions for the days and weeks ahead. Seeing that everything you focus on becomes manifest reality, you may as well use the tools of gemstones and the color of your clothes and surroundings to help you stay focused on what you want.

In my book, The Essential Guided to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones (Llewellyn), I provide gemstones to match varying professions, careers, and hobbies. Perhaps it is time to get your “rock” to vibrationally match your energy! Gemstones can be allies or guardians as totems to help you focus on being the best you can be. To take just a few from the list below, a caregiver can benefit from hematite to assist with patience and focus, while an entrepreneur uses the emerald to align with the best business choices.

A hair stylist can use angelite for divinely inspired artist expression for that heavenly hair cut while a heart surgeon would do well with ruby in zoisite or watermelon tourmaline to maintain compassion and bed side manner even with the scientist’s eyes and mind.

Chiropractor—andalusite, orange calcite, prehnite, sardonyx, selenite, septarian, trilobite

Editor—amazonite, angelite, aquamarine, blue calcite, blue topaz, carnelian, chalcopyrite

Health-care practitioner—charoite, pink calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, ruby in fuchsite, snowflake obsidian, window quartz crystal

Herbalist—brown agate, green moss agate, green tourmaline, tree agate, vanadinite Intuitive reader— angelite, amethyst, azurite, black onyx, blue tiger’s eye, celestite, charoite

Massage therapist—leopardskin jasper, sardonyx, selenite, wand-shaped stones

Maternity nurse—bloodstone, carnelian, hematite, rose quartz, snowflake obsidian,

Merchant—citrine, chalcopyrite, green aventurine, green tourmaline, emerald, jade, pyrite

Metaphysician—celestite, channeling quartz

Parent—black tourmaline, blue lace agate, hematite, relationship quartz, selenite rose

Physical Trainer—aragonite, copper, orange calcite, red tiger’s eye, selenite, trilobite fossil

See Also
comfort zone OMTimes

Psychologist—tabular quartz, time link quartz crystal, septarian, serpentine, unakite

Reiki practitioner—apophyllite, celestite, orange calcite, peridot, stilbite

Yoga instructor—celestite, chrysocolla, leopardskin jasper

These beautiful tools can help you in your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical realignment and personal development. Crystals, minerals, rocks, metals, and gemstones are tools from the earth that can be used to assist you in staying focused on your intentions to create and maintain positive change in your life. When a gemstone is paired with a daily affirmation, the stone amplifies that intention. It is a tool that helps you maintain your focus on what you do want. 

Think good thoughts!

Here is a good thought for you today and works with or without a stone. This affirmation matches well with blue lace agate or any light blue stone.

Favorable opportunities present themselves to me in many ways. I recognize these opportunities and follow through on their promise. I always seem to be in the right place at the right time, and I enjoy the benefits of Divine timing. 

Notes from the seasoned New Age retailer

It’s been 26 years and counting. From day one, I have had the same two green aventurine and citrine crystals in my cash drawer. Clear quartz clusters are in our bathrooms to constantly cleanse and realign the release of thoughts, emotions and more that occur in this room. Amethyst window rocks are on the window sills.

Periodically, I place selenite and snowflake obsidian throughout the building to chase away negativity that collects like dust in the corners. A slab of selenite is in our classroom and has been there since 1992. A large fluorite octahedron and large black tourmaline wand rest powerfully on our computers at the front register to rebalance EMFs and more. A 5-foot citrine cathedral geode greets our customers as they enter the front door. It amplifies our intention of clarity and self-empowerment.

Try these techniques to improve the vibration of your store as well as your sales. Your customers will be so grateful for the sacred place you provide to them. And you get to do what you love while making a great living!

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About the Author

Margaret Ann Lembo is the author of Chakra Awakening; The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones; the Angel Gemstone Oracle Cards and Color Your Life with Crystals and seven spoken audio CDs. She is the creator of a line of award winning Aroma-Energetic Sprays including Smudge in Spray™ and the seven Chakra Sprays. She is a spiritual entrepreneur and practitioner, aromatherapist, and the owner of The Crystal Garden — a book store, gift store, and spiritual center in southeast Florida.|

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