Be an Angel – Clear that Clutter
Book Spotlight – Be an Angel – Clear that Clutter
Written by Jacky Newcomb

Come and join Jacky in her own clutter clearing journey, then armed with her advice prepare to embark on your own voyage. There are no ‘shoulds’ in this book you decide what is clutter and what isn’t!
Do you have to hunt through half a dozen drawers to find that special recipe? Or search through three cupboards to find the plates you know you’ve got? Do you long to live in a clutter free environment? In Be an Angel – Clear that Clutter bestselling author Jacky Newcomb uses humor to show you how to clear and sort your home and deal with emotional and inherited clutter. Whether you are a secret hoarder or just a little bit messy you’ll find plenty of inspiration in this motivational, fun guide.
Take that first step on your journey from cluttered to clutter free and laugh along with Jacky as she shares her stories of clearing her own clutter. Start small with a single drawer or small cupboard, once you see the difference clearing the clutter from even a small space makes in your life you will feel empowered to clear more of your clutter until you too have a clutter free life and home.
By following Jacky’s fun guide the reader will discover how to:
• Organize and de-clutter their home in the time between TV programs
• Deal with unwanted gifts and inherited ‘treasures’
• Inspire family members to de-junk too
• Spot the difference between objects that are ‘one night stands’ and ‘marriage material’
• Add spiritual touches to bring peace back to your home
• Stay tidy-ish forever
Here is a tip from Jacky to help you start your clutter-clearing mission:
Carry a black bin liner around your home and fill it to the top. Make sure you empty wastepaper baskets from around the house too (you might need two bags! Go for it!).
For more information or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:
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About the Author:
Jacky Newcomb is the multi-award winning, Sunday Times best-selling author of An Angel Saved My Life, and An Angel by my Side. This is her first book on Clutter Clearing. Jacky is a regular guest on radio and TV shows including ITV’s This Morning and Channel 5 Live. She is the angel columnist for Take-a-Break’s Fate & Fortune magazine. Her home is pretty tidy most of the time!

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