Your Energy Body

by Geoffrey Jowett
You are a packet of quantum energy within ‘the field’ of universal energy. The universe is an ocean of limitless energy, a dynamic web of interconnected energy.
Everything, everything is eternal energy interconnected and vibrating at various frequencies.
You are composed of a series of interacting multidimensional energy fields consisting parallel planes of consciousness. Your unique ability as a soul is that you can actually transformer energy to a higher (love) or lower (fear) frequency through different levels of consciousness.
A dynamic, vibrating energy body exists within and around your physical body. Energy moves in and around you through predicable patterns and through definable pathways called meridians. Your total body is composed of energetic layers superimposed upon one another in the same space.
As an energy system, you are open and free to continuously exchange energy with the universal energy field. Your energy field is constantly changing according to the emotions, thoughts, feelings, and actions you create within your consciousness, and by the environmental energies that you are exposed to (people, places, and situations).
Your mission is to keep your energy field harmonically balanced and circulating with a constant flow. Disease is caused by blockages and imbalances within your energy field and can result in mental, emotional, physical or spiritual ‘dis-ease’.
Your total body is composed of the following bodies from lowest frequency to highest frequency: physical, etheric, astral (emotional), mental (intelligent), and casual (soul). Your physical body is the only aspect of you that is temporary; it houses the soul and provides a solid, stable foundation for the other energy bodies to form around.
Your higher energy bodies are often referred to as your subtle bodies and compose your aura field. The etheric body is your vital chi, electromagnetic energy that attunes your consciousness to the principle of energy and provides health, life and organization to the physical body.
The astral body houses your full range of emotions from fear, hate and sorrow, to love, happiness and joy. Your dreams, fantasies, out-of-body experiences, visions, and lower psychic abilities are generated in your astral body. Your mental body is involved with your mental consciousness, knowing, ability to discern, have thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and your higher psychic abilities. Your casual body is your true soul consciousness, your higher self, and is the repository of the sum total of all your lifetime experiences gained through successive incarnations.
You have seven specialized energy centers in your subtle bodies referred to as chakras. Your chakras act as transformers to step down the higher subtle energies of your etheric, astral, mental, and causal bodies, and they translate the energies into responses into your physical body (hormonal, nerve, and cellular responses).
All seven chakras are interconnected and are along the midline of your body. They are truly the connection between your subtle body and your physical body and demonstrate the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and soul.
Each chakra is associated with various archetypical patterns of consciousness that will be reviewed in more detail in the June monthly message. To maintain the constant, balanced, and consistent flow of energy through your chakras is to ultimately sustain your overall energy emotional and mental well-being, physical health, and your soul ‘fitness’. Each chakra is associated with specific functions in regards to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
The root chakra grounds your spirit in the material world, and channels energy to the higher centers within your energy body. It is related to your instincts, security, and survival. The wisdom of the root chakra involves a sense of belonging to your physical family and the group safety, security, and survival within your family.
Your deep emotional responses are developed and registered in your sacral chakra as you explore and enjoy your being-ness. This chakra is influenced by your emotions and centers you on the boundaries of delight, abundance, happiness, and the sexual pleasure you desire in your life. The wisdom of the sacral chakra helps you to understand what will enhance your life with abundance and pleasure.
The solar plexus regulates the use of your energy and your ability to transform energy with your sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. The wisdom of the solar plexus chakra relates to your will power and decision-making capabilities, and gives you the power and ability to shape my life in an effective way. You learn the lessons of your ego and personality in this area, and you are motivated to bring about change within your life. All that you think, feel, say, and do is an expression of the value you project of yourself. The solar plexus chakra is your relationship center and the energy you receive and share with others is exchanged and transformed here.
The heart chakra is your sacred core where you accept, share, and circulate love, compassion, tenderness, and kindness. Housed within the heart center are the lessons of love and affection for others and yourself, and the surrendering of anger and guilt to achieve the freedom of forgiveness. When your heart center is open, you can heal with wishes, hopes, and feelings of divine love. Your energetic focal point is your heart chakra and it radiates with love, joy, peace and harmony. The most powerful vibrations of your being: your feelings and beliefs are generated through your heart, which is the center of your being-ness, the center of your universe.
The throat chakra is related to expression and communication, and the use of your will to grow creatively through self-expression. It is the means for which you transmit and convey your thoughts, ideas, passions and desires. Communicating with sincere thoughts, precise words, and creative actions align you with integrity and honesty in the expression of your being.
The third eye chakra allows you to understand and analyze reality, and balances your lower and higher selves. Insightfully, you can process information and knowledge from your past memory, and project your future. Lessons of wisdom, knowledge, intuition, discernment, and your imagination are related to this chakra. Also, your gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience are associated with your third eye. Through the wisdom of the third eye chakra, you can focus on your personality and your relationship to the universe by looking inward.
The crown chakra is your connection to the whole of creation and to cosmic consciousness of life eternal. It is associated with pure consciousness and affects the functions of your higher brain. The crown chakra is related to your nature spiritual, inner beauty, and your connection with Divine Source. It is through the crown chakra, that we align with our higher consciousness and realize the soul-purpose of your being. We embrace the law of unity and oneness, and the realization that Source and we are one. You are one with the universe. Your crown unifies you with the awareness of being an infinite and eternal soul.
You are a being of energy that is constantly vibrating with various frequencies according to your consciousness and the universal energy field that you exchange energy with. Your emotions, thoughts, feelings, words, and actions affect your energy body. There is an energetic interaction between our mind, emotions, and physical bodies. To maintain a harmonious and constantly flowing energy body will prevent ‘dis-ease.’ It is important to take time every day to consciously align, balance, and energize your energy bodies to maintain vitality, health, well-being, and to experience life with more joy, happiness, and peace.
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About the Author
Geof Jowett is an intuitive medium, spiritual educator, and energy healer. Divine Arts Media will be releasing his new book, “The Power of I AM: Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness,” this September, in which Geof presents prayers, affirmations, crystals, music, flowers, gemstones, yoga poses, and activities to balance and align each chakra. To learn more about Geof, please visit:

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