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Your Body Is Always Talking To You

Your Body Is Always Talking To You

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I have a question for you: When was the last time you paid attention to your body? In a world fraught with judgment about how we should look, it might have been when you last caught your reflection. Alternatively, maybe you noticed a particular pain somewhere like your knee, back, or shoulder.

Your Body Is Always Talking To You – Are You Listening?

by Dr. Dain Heer



Too often, we only pay attention to our bodies when they’re not behaving how we want them to. I believe there’s more available to us: a natural, symbiotic connection to our bodies, where two-way communication is the key.

Our bodies communicate in energy — and that’s your first language. The issue is, many of us don’t have this awareness. Let’s take a closer look.


Why don’t we listen to our bodies?

In essence, we’re practiced out of it.

Think back to your childhood: who decided what you ate, and when you ate? Was it ever okay to skip vegetables and head straight for dessert? What about now: how often do you eat just because it’s dinner time, and how often don’t you eat because you’re anxious about nutrition or your weight?

The truth is, your body knows exactly what nourishment it requires and would enjoy at all times. It also knows what clothes it would like to wear, and the activities they would like to do. It has awarenesses and a gentle insistence around everything that concerns it.

In short: it has a point of view. Would you like to tune in to it?


Step 1: Recognize you’re an infinite being

Here’s the thing: your body is your vehicle for this life while you, the being, are infinite. You each have your awarenesses and points of view, and you can exist together, in harmony.


Try this:

Here’s a quick exercise to help you get the distinction between your body (the vehicle) and you (the infinite being).

Close your eyes, and expand your energy out into the room you’re in.

Reach the walls of the room … then go beyond them.

Notice you can. Notice that if you choose to, you can go further.

Expand 100 miles out in all directions.

Notice how easy it is. Notice you can circle the planet if you choose.

It’s not your physical body that’s expanding; it’s your being.

See how infinite you are?

I have to ask: If a being can travel so far in an instant and be that big — could it ever fit inside of a physical body?


Step 2: Recognize your body is conscious

Every plant, every person, every structure on the planet has consciousness — and your body is no exception.

Your relationship with your body is deepened by asking questions from an open and present place. Then listening.


Try this:

Start with food. At breakfast, instead of auto-piloting your way too granola ask, “Body, what would you like to eat?”

Then: be open, be present, and listen.

What do you sense? What are you picking up?

Start to ask your body about everything that concerns it: food, clothes, movement, even the people it gets intimate with.

Be patient. Like an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, sometimes it takes time to rebuild your connection; sometimes it happens in a beat.

See Also


An idea to play with: Your body is a psychic receiver

If you’ll forgive the comparison, your body is like a sponge. Why? Because it can absorb the energies, thoughts, and judgments of everyone around it.

Furthermore, it can try to heal the pain and suffering of everyone around it. It means that when you experience pain, it might not be your pain. When you feel sad or angry or afraid, these may not be your feelings.

Now, this is a huge concept that goes beyond the scope of this article, but I want to invite you to play with it. Recognizing that what you feel in your body may not be yours paves the way for letting go of any solid energy that might be limiting you.

For some people, this piece of information is world-shifting and comes as a huge relief, while also deepening their understanding of what a gift their body is.


Try this:

For any pain, you experience in the next three days, ask, “Body, who does this belong to?”

You’re not looking for conclusive answers. Just being open to the notion that what you’re experiencing may not be yours and being willing to let anything go that doesn’t belong to you, is a wonderful start.


Your body is such a gift. Be with your body with total presence and with zero judgment. Take care of it. Get to know and enjoy it — and enjoy breathing life back into your natural connection.


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About the Author

Dr. Dain Heer is a body whisperer, healer, chiropractor and co-creator of Access Consciousness, a global movement dedicated to an exploration of possibilities!

He is the author of eleven books translated into multiple languages including his best- selling book, Being You, Changing the World- (Is Now the Time?) Sign up for his free tour of consciousness video’s  on this website

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