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Grasping and Healing

Grasping and Healing

On the heels of your work with the grasping behaviors will come their antidotes, the healing behaviors. If you are thinking that the hard part will be behind you, be prepared for a shock when you begin looking at awareness, vulnerability, surrender, authenticity, and connection. Each of these behaviors will be linked to the characteristics of the chakras that represent the Five Tibetans’ poses. Your focus will be to dissolve and transform the behaviors you want to put to rest into thoughts and actions that will serve you. As you do the Five Tibetans each day, you will be contemplating the way your Third Eye, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras are opening in response to your intentions for healing and growth.

My top two star healing behaviors are surrender and authenticity. Being with what is and being who you were created to be need consistent spiritual focus and clearing. Surrender forces us to explore nonpermanence in all its pleasant and not-so-pleasant forms. The road to authenticity goes straight through nonattachment.

We have to let go of what other people think about us. We have to give up ideas about who we wish we were. We have to learn to love ourselves as we are and know that others can love us, too.

See Also

Taken as a group, the grasping and healing behaviors act like a big skateboardhalf-pipe on the playground of your health and wellness. Confusion, resentment, doubt, and fear will ultimately take you down into the dark valley of miserliness and isolation. If, however, you permit yourself to embrace those behaviors and become mindful of their impact, the healing behaviors will then be able to carry you up the other side and out into the light. Committing to awareness, vulnerability, surrender, and authenticity will allow you to form and maintain the connection with yourself and others that will create the joy you were meant to have in your life.

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