My Life As an Earth Angel

My Life As an Earth Angel: Choosing a Path of Service
By Sonja Grace
I am an earth angel living a life of service. I did not hand myself this title, I was chosen by the archangels. I have dedicated my life to Source and through that dedication I have experienced miracles. My gifts have been with me since birth. I see, hear, feel and smell the spirit realm. I spent most of my childhood outside connected to the Devic kingdom, with the Goddess Earth nurturing me at every turn of the road.
I knew I was different but once I left home I realized my visions were influencing everything I experienced. I almost died at the age of twenty-one and in that moment where stillness meets the heavens and the light is so bright it fills your soul, I heard the voice of God tell me, “you have work to do, it is not your time”.
Earth Angel in Training
Once recovered, I took heed and realized that my life was now destined to be one of service to others and through divine order I was lead to the doorstep of my first spiritual teacher. She helped me define my gifts and learn how to ground them with tools I would use for the rest of my life. I began my work with people one to one using my training in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Trager therapy, anatomy, Feldenkrais, polarity, energy Medicine, Touch for Health, energy work, etheric work and deep processing with the inner child. My training was intense.

My second teacher expanded my tools with the energy body and my third teacher helped me to move into long distance healing. All of my training involved deep emotional processing and without it I do not believe that I would be able to do the level of work I do today. I encourage those on a path of service to find a spiritual teacher and stick with them, learn all that you can before you decide to seek your wings. Tread this path with caution; the wounded healer is likely to bring a labyrinth of projection and transference to the client. That’s why it is important to do the work and excavate the energetic emotional components from your body accrued in this lifetime and in past lives, before you begin to work with others.
Angel Wings
My life as an earth angel has presented so many fascinating people, situations and adventures not only on this plain, but also within the realms where few have the ability to travel. I have no doubt that my heritage, which is both Norwegian and Native American has influenced my abilities and the situations I have found myself in. On my reservation I am considered a ‘medicine woman’ and I carry out the kinds of healings and work you might expect. However, I am aware that my abilities are significantly beyond those of the modern day ‘shaman’. I can see all levels of the astral plane, from angels to the lowest vibrational entity and I am often called upon to clear the kinds of energies that are not seen by most. Sometimes, these things can be a heavy burden, yet I believe it’s one of the reasons I am often sought out.
In one case, a client who worked directly with an NBA player called me. The basketball professional was having serious health problems. I traveled through the realms and by working long distance I had the ability to look into his issues and I could see corrupt energy at work. I traced the corrupt energy to a person negatively practicing the ancient religion of voodoo. Unfortunately, this person had the intent to harm the basketball player by manipulating the energy. I cleared this making certain it was sent to the light. Many practitioners believe we should send corrupt energy back to the person who created it. I do not. As an Earth Angel I contend that it is important not to continue creating more karma and to transform all lower vibrational energies whenever possible.
Karma and its impact on our current life and struggles is an issue I come up against on a daily basis. In order to operate effectively as an earth angel I find myself drawing upon my understanding of Karma and how it plays out in our lives and the lives of those around us. Karma, or the unresolved emotional wounds of our past lives, bring us together with others we have known in many incarnations.
For example, a married couple, both doctors, called me after their five-year old daughter, who they had adopted from China, began to present terrible behavior issues. I often receive calls from parents whose children have behavioral issues but this one stood out because her parents were doctors and yet they were at a loss as to how to explain the situation or what to do about their daughter. The couple was desperate, their daughter was describing how and in detail, she planned to kill them. To her parents, who were peaceful Buddhists, none of this made sense. I was certain this was a karmic pattern and looked at her last lifetime. I discovered she had been a male mercenary trained to kill or be killed in China and was eventually captured and suffered a torturous death. I cleared this karmically. Her mother reported to me the next day that her daughter came home singing a song and crawled into her lap for the first time, ever. From then on her behavior completely changed and even their friends commented on how different she was.
It may seem odd to many people but psychics and mystics are often hired by big business for all sorts of reasons. I was hired by large corporation in lower Manhattan to carry out some highly specialized work. Almost immediately, I became aware of the energetic manipulation, often prevalent in Fortune 500 companies as people play out both their personal and collective karma. I found myself clearing various karmic situations on a daily basis. Perhaps more concerning, in this case, I also witnessed firsthand reptilians operating inside humans. These creatures sought to manipulate financial institutions and were intent on infiltrating the financial markets. Additionally, I saw the use of black magic in these worldwide financial institutions. The karmic implications speak of the roles we repeat over and over in our lifetimes; victim or perpetrator, these two roles are a part of the collective consciousness and humanity’s karmic past.
A call from the desperate mother of a young undercover police officer who had gone missing is another example of karma at play and one I don’t think I will ever forget. The mother was frantic to find her daughter and I was struck by her fierce love and determination. I was immediately aware that this young woman was in an extremely dangerous situation. The mother called the police and urged them to work with me and demanded they listen to my findings. I saw instantly that past karma was at play and was able not only to locate the street that the woman was on but the house and the criminals involved. Fortunately, the woman was found. The karmic experience for the police officer was a fascinating one. In this case, she was a victim but in her past lifetimes she had been the perpetrator of hundreds of crimes. In fact over her past lives she had been acting out both the role of victim and perpetrator. When we come to terms with our past lives, many of them violent and painful, we can start to see how we manifest situations in this life.
Traveling in the Realms
I have learned through my years as an Earth Angel that forgiveness is the key to clearing our karma in this lifetime. If we are in a state of forgiveness our karmic threads are nonexistent. How we express our energy is as important as the footprint we leave behind on this sacred planet. I take care to walk softly and pay reverence to the Earth daily especially because I am aware that my energy travels on all levels of the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical plains.
So for example, when I work on people all over the world from my office in Portland, Oregon, my energy travels to the location of the client and they experience my presence in the room during the energy surgery I am performing, or the adjustment of bones, or the deep processing they are undergoing. It becomes very apparent to me the importance of grounding that energy and it’s why I teach grounding meditation as the basis of my work. As an Earth Angel I am aware of my environment even when I am half way around the world. I feel it is important to approach another person’s energy, be it on the street or in a healing, with the greatest reverence and respect. I respect each person I work on as the most important person I could ever know.
We have barely begun to understand the power of the human energy field and how we can direct it. However, in my work I am asked to perform clearings and healings on people who I have never met nor spoken to. Sometimes, I only receive a photo and list of ailments. A woman in Panama, who I had never met or spoke to reported after the session that she could feel me working on her liver and days later, when tested at the hospital, the lesion was gone. In another case, after weeks of blurred vision, a client in France told me he could feel my hands working on his eyes and when I was done, he could read the text on his computer without his spectacles. There are people around the world who have experiences that leave them surprised, in awe or humbled by the power of the unseen.
Finally, I have learned that being in service requires a great deal of selflessness. No longer prescribing to a dualistic reality brings forth compassion and surrender. It is easy to mentally conceptualize surrendering but within the duality it becomes just that, a concept. I find that through meditation, a much deeper state of being can be found called peace. When we move into this reality we are no longer investing in what is good or bad, right or wrong, but accepting that everything exists. As an Earth Angel, I walk a humble road and love everyone at the deepest level of my being.
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