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Numerology For November 2014

Numerology For November 2014


By Alison Baughman

According to Numerology, November is the 11th Month and in Numerology the 11 is a Master Number. It is associated with a higher vibration, insight, intuition and a connection to the spiritual realm. This is an excellent month to take some time to do some meditation. You may receive some personal insight which could give you guidance in your life. I know from speaking with my clients that people are beginning to pay attention to what used to be considered serendipitous moments in their life. They have realized that they are receiving signs and messages from above and are paying attention.

The 11 is the “messenger.”

The vibration of the number 11 requires balance in all areas of our life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Let’s face it. These are challenging times on the planet and it is important to stay calm and understand that everything happens for a reason and purpose. Humanity is evolving and change is necessary for growth. We just happen to have front row seats for the greatest show on Earth and sometimes it feels like we are at warp speed trying to keep up. The important thing is to not be fearful. Instead, stay centered in love and send positive thoughts out to the Universe.

Days to pay attention to: 11/11 11/29

Remember to check your Personal Monthly Numerology Forecasts for information that is specifically for you.



Note:  If you do not know what your Personal Year Number is, please visit the Monthly Forecast Page at for instructions (or email me your date of birth and I will let you know.)


If you are in a 1 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 3 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

The first thing you need to figure out is where to put your creativity and all that energy to work for you during the month of November. You will be inspired by new ideas and itching to begin new projects but the trick is going to be staying on course and completing them. You may find yourself getting distracted this month and more in the mood to “slack off” than apply yourself. You will find yourself in a playful and even more romantic mood and trust me, others will notice and a few sparks may fly before the month is over. The most important thing this month is to tap into this tremendous creative energy at your disposal and create, whether that is through writing, public speaking, art or any means of self-expression.

You may be inspired to do a little self-improvement, especially with your appearance. If all else fails, plan a party with friends and enjoy your inner child as you surely will inspire and entertain everyone around you.

Pay attention to your dreams as prophetic insights may come through.

Keywords: Be creative, express yourself, try to stay focused.


If you are in a 2 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 4 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

There is a lot of work to be done and it has been placed on your agenda in November, in fact, you may be putting in some overtime whether in your career or at home. Time to tap into some discipline and finish any projects left hanging and dealing with what you have been putting off. Focus on the work at hand, paying attention to every little detail. “All work and no play” makes for a boring November but you will be glad you worked so hard because what you do this month is so important to your future success. This might be a good month to look at your finances and make sure they are in order or look at the “foundation” of your business and take inventory. Is your website fully functional? Do you need to order supplies? Is it time to invest in new office equipment? Hopefully, you get what I mean. Also be aware that you have to follow the rules this month and something as simple as speeding could get you a ticket.

This year you have been particularly insightful but you also have been more vulnerable to stress and anxiety so be sure to balance out the tension of this month caused by your heavy workload by making a little time daily to unwind whether that is by listening to some relaxing music or going for a walk in nature. Pay attention to your health, eat right, and get plenty of rest.

Keywords: Don’t procrastinate, pace yourself, stay focused and work hard


If you are in a 3 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 5 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

If ever there was a month that influences you to be impulsive and undisciplined, this would be the month. Money might be flying out the proverbial window unless you rein it in a little. Have fun shopping but make sure you can afford your shopping sprees and hopefully you will gain some financial ground this month to support your spending. Remember “moderation” is the key to approach the playfulness of this month. This month also brings the opportunity to make changes in your life and it is not unusual for people to change residences, jobs or even relationships in a 5 month. You may also have travel plans this month as the 5 brings in adventure and travel. This is a month where you will have to “go with the flow” as there can be many unexpected turn of events and sudden surprises.

It is also an excellent time to get your ideas out there by networking and marketing your talents. People will be open and receptive to you. Any form of communication, whether written or spoken is enhanced.

On a deeper and more personal level, you may be feeling more lighthearted and perhaps not as tactful as you might usually be so be careful not to hurt your relationships by being flippant or insensitive. “Open Mouth, Insert Foot” applies here.

It is an excellent time to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new. Be a little adventurous!~

Keywords: Communicate, go with the flow, caution with your spending


If you are in a 4 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 6 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

Expect blessings this month as rewards are coming your way. It is most likely a financial blessing but remember blessings come in many forms.

This month brings focus upon your family and loved ones. Chances are you will be using a considerable amount of your energy in caring for them. Obviously Thanksgiving is this month so there are family gatherings on the agenda but potentially, you could also experience a relative who needs you perhaps caused by an illness or personal dilemma. This month centers on the family.

Your work also requires a great deal of responsibility this month. You will appear to be burning the candle on both fronts, home and career.

Be aware that any of your relationships could be tested this month which is a way of working through existing problems. It could be with a family member, friend or co-worker. Just know that patience and tact is needed and good communication skills. You can resolve this and make the relationship stronger if you take the right approach.

Keywords: Family, responsibility, being supportive to your loved ones


If you are in a 5 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 7 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

The best way to approach this month is to set aside some alone time to do a little soul searching. You may even find that you have more leisure time on your hands this month. You have been on a fast and furious pace all year but this month brings you a considerably different opportunity.

Set aside your career and relationships for a bit and concentrate on listening to your inner self. You are particularly insightful this month and perhaps living just a little too much in your head but this is precisely what you need to do, take stock of your life and where you are headed. You may also find yourself drawn to the spiritual and certainly there will be spiritual growth this month as well as vivid dreams and messages from above.

Take time to rest, relax, read a good book or go for a long walk. Reconnect with your thoughts, pay attention and listen to what your soul is trying to tell you.

No need to worry about your career as by next month, you will return to it and all the other aspects of your life but the work you do this month will help you gain perspective and balance and a clearer sense of self.

Keywords: Slower paced, introspective, insightful


If you are in a 6 PERSONAL YEAR, November is an 8 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

This month brings a gold star for all things having to do with your finances and business. There is a very good chance that you will be financially rewarded with a bonus or a promotion. Also expect that you will be recognized for your past efforts and given praise for your hard work. If you have money owed to you or are due for a promotion or raise, it might be a good time to ask for it. Money also could come to you by something you have done in the past.

Still, be aware that this month could also turn out to be less than stellar because whatever rewards you receive are in direct correlation to what kind of effort you have been putting out. In other words, you will be reaping what you have sown.

Strains could be put on family relationships where money is involved. It is time to work out any problems in this area.

Pay attention to details having to do with any business contracts and also use caution in spending as not to overextend your budget. Yes Christmas is just around the corner, but for now, use caution in your spending.

You may be talking in dollars and cents this month but this month is all about your career and finances so this is the time to examine all aspects of your financial dealings and get things in order. Look at your budget for next year and create a sound financial plan.

This is also an excellent time to set some goals for the future.

Keywords: Career and finances

See Also


If you are in a 7 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 9 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

Before this month is said and done, you will be putting closure on something in your life that you have outgrown and no longer brings you happiness. You will be reflecting on many aspects of your life from your work to personal relationships. This can bring a flood of emotions and drama into the scenario of November because letting go in order to bring about change can be a difficult process. Try not to push it this month but rather work through things slowly and take time to rest and attend to your health.

This should be a month that intensifies your desire to grow spiritually and certainly you need to listen to the messages coming from your soul.

If you happen to feel melancholy this month, try doing some charity work or something kind that helps another which will lift your spirits.

If all else fails, go through your closets and get rid of things you no longer need by donating them to charity.

Keywords: Letting go, releasing, clearing


If you are in an 8 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 1 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

Last month may have left you emotionally drained but this month renews your energy and your confidence as well as your ambition. You may be inspired to begin a new project or even be given a new opportunity at work. Suddenly the doors are open and you are ready to charge through.

This is a great month for business opportunities as well as your finances. Be aggressive and decisive and take hold of any new opportunity and run with it. You are full of original and innovative ideas and this is the time to have the courage to implement them. Know that things begun under the influence of the 1 have a greater chance of success so do not hesitate to begin some new business venture.

Be aware that you are all business this month and your desire to accomplish something is on high and you may find yourself getting impatient with others who are not as motivated as you are. The right approach is to inspire them to follow, to see your vision for the future. Patience is a must.

If you do not necessarily have a career this could apply to a home project or a new activity that arises.

Keywords: New opportunities, beginnings, start something new


If you are in a 9 PERSONAL YEAR, November is a 2 PERSONAL MONTH for you:

This has been a year in which you have been addressing the things in your life that you have outgrown and no longer need. You sense that something is new on the horizon but before you can get there, you need to make room in your life. This month can bring heightened emotions and sensitivity as you may feel emotionally drained or even unsure of the decisions you have been contemplating. Sometimes it may feel like your feet are planted in cement and there is no forward movement.

Letting go is never easy but that is exactly what you must do before you can move forward.

Your feelings can be easily hurt this month because of your heightened sensitivity. You might find it hard to find a lighthearted approach and take things too seriously.

Knowing this, the best approach to this month is to go slow and think things through and do not react immediately but take your time, especially if someone has hurt your feelings. Try to use tact and diplomacy with any confrontations.

Find ways to relax and center yourself and especially take care of your health this month.

Also, pay attention to your gut feelings, dreams and any other messages you may be receiving from above as your antennae are on high and you definitely can receive insight by just taking the time to listen.

Keywords: Harmony, sensitivity, patience

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