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Finding Self through Conscious Awareness

Finding Self through Conscious Awareness


Being present also involves acknowledging, recognizing and then silencing the voice inside your head, otherwise known as mind chatter – the flow of words in the form of thoughts and questions that stream through one’s mind continuously causing doubt and uncertainty. Your thoughts, words, and actions are energy. Therefore, this mind chatter would be considered an energetic emission much like a radio signal.

Individuals tend to replay scenarios over and over again and ask, “What could I have done differently?” or “What if…?” They also play the “should” game saying, “I should have done this or I should have done that. Then, this would not have happened.”

How can you be so sure? Hindsight, which is the ability of understanding later what was actually the best thing to do, is formidable. We tend to retain from experiences what is necessary for future personal growth. In reality, the decisions we make at the time we made them are because we have free will. Each one of us is having a human experience because we choose to. Learning from our experiences and not repeating them unless we choose to is a benefit to having them to begin with.

Consciously choosing to live in this present moment – in the here and now – enables you to be in the flow of creation. As you discover the truth of who you are, consciously choose to be in the flow of allowance rather than restricting or inhibiting this flow with fear, worry, doubt or the linear aspect of time.


See Also

Discovering You Exercise

Take a moment to just BE. Close your eyes. Relax. Breathe in deeply and exhale. Allow yourself the opportunity to connect with YOU – your Higher self. Listen to what your spirit has to say.

What makes your heart sing and your eyes twinkle? Reach down deep inside of you and allow yourself to see that you are perfect in every way. See past the illusions and the self-perceived imperfections and discover the real you – the essence of who you are. Reflect on who you were, who you are and who you are becoming.

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