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Are You Honoring Your Soul?

Are You Honoring Your Soul?


Do you know how much of a miracle you truly are? The source that makes all living things in the universe is also the same source that’s inside of you. This Divine Source interacts and is connected with the whole of you, which means your body, mind and soul.

At many of my lectures, people attend hoping to connect with a soul on the Other-Side. But I often remind my audiences that they too are a soul here and now, and how incredibly powerful we are! We get so caught up in the physical world we forget about our inner world.

To honor your divinity, to live a spiritual and physical life of happiness, serenity, abundant health, and to experience a loving and successful relationship, it’s important to understand and get to know your true essence – your soul. You must begin to reach inwards to meet your soul, to move through all the layers of what’s been built up inside and around you over the years.

Once you discover and meet your soul-self, you’ll radiate pure light, confidence, courage, strength, and unconditional love for yourself and others. As you live and view your life from your soul’s perspective, you’ll start to appreciate yourself as a divine being and gain a deeper appreciation and awareness of the soul essence in others.

Everything in the world is based on the inner consciousness of man. Always remember, that one person (that means you) can make all the difference. You are a soul, so believe and know that you do have power and you do matter in this collective universe.

Many people right now are feeling the inner urgings of their soul, maybe even you. A few years ago during my lectures and events, it was all about getting a psychic reading or a message from the Other Side; now the questions are centered on how people can be more in tune with their soul and tap into their own intuition. They want to find out how to help themselves enhance or change situations and conditions around them. To put it in the most basic way I know of, people want to stop sleepwalking through their lives.

I feel that they’re ready to push forward through their comfort zone, beyond their natural boundaries. I see it in their eyes all the time . . . it’s as if they hope to discover how they can wake up so that they can take a more active role in their own spiritual development and apply this knowledge to their lives.

John’s Lesson

The more you connect with your soul, the more you’ll remember your divine nature. This week, try to honor yourself by spending some quiet time in contemplation, prayer, meditation, journaling, or even a slow walk outdoors in nature (without the iTunes blaring in your ears), whether it’s first thing at dawn or as the sun’s setting. It can be a walk on the beach or a stroll through the woods, working on a creative project, or simply doing something that you love.

By doing this you will begin to tap in to your divine inner-self where you can meet, blend, talk, and listen to your soul.

See Also
Spiritual Connection

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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  • To keep being strong after challenges and hard work in life you can enjoy good times with friends or family and give yourself time to relax. That’s another example how you can honor yourself at a physical level.

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