Dr. Terry A. Gordon: The Wounded Healer
We were taking a much needed two week vacation. I got home from work at eight o’clock at night and after loading the Suburban we took off for Lake Mohawk. It was on the way down there that my wife Angela was trying to make small talk and she said: “You know honey, we really need a new vacuum cleaner”. The last thing I wanted to hear about was a vacuum cleaner and I kind of told her so and it wasn’t in a very nice way and so the rest of the trip was very quiet. When we got to the cabin, I went straight to my room.
The next morning, I got up and went down to the lake to unwind and I get down on my knees and began pulling weeds. I was down there for a good couple of hours and Angela left for the grocery store. I knew I was still in the doghouse because usually she would yell down: “I love you sweetie”, but she didn’t that day.
She was gone for about five minutes when I heard her call my name. Now the strange thing was, her voice came from behind me and behind me was just forest. I even looked in the forest, but I went back to the lake. A couple of minutes later my daughter Laila came running out of the cabin yelling and screaming “come quick, come quick!” So I ran to the top of the hill and she says “mommy is at the front gate, there’s a man dying and they need you”.
I hopped into the other car and made it up to this fellow and he was in a full cardiac arrest. At the same time emergency medical services got there, I grabbed their defibrillator and shocked him about four times. His heart rhythm came back and I went with them in the ambulance to the nearest hospital and we dropped him off. On the way back it hit me that I had heard Angela call my name. I didn’t tell her what I experienced but I rather asked her what she had experienced. Her first thought was to turn around and go get me, but she knew that would take too long. Her second thought was “Terry, you’re in such a stress right now, you need some time off, let somebody else handle it”. She said that she couldn’t do that either. I asked her what happened next and she said “I decided to call you but I couldn’t remember the phone number and then I just called out your name”. It was four miles down the road, from the Suburban, that I heard Angela call my name. Without any question I could hear her as clearly as you can hear me now.
Dirk Terpstra is an intuitive speaker, coach and certified HeartMath trainer. Dirk carries out a simple message: You can only be at peace, feel fulfilled and be valuable to others, when you are honest with yourself and start closing the gap between who you appear to be and who you really are. You will then discover that you are beautiful and that all the answers already lie inside of you.
I’m deeply touched & grateful for this. Namaste