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Light Body Technique

Light Body Technique


Light-Body_Pillai_OMTimesHere’s Exactly What You’ll Receive When You Join Light Body Activation Program Today:

~ Access To Light Body Activation Program Member Website

~ Video of Dr. Pillai’s Core Light Body Technique

~ A Guide To Your Daily Routine for Spiritual and Material Growth

~ The Secret Siddha Practice for Attracting Wealth

~ Knowledge of The Powerful Siddha Herb To Raise Consciousness

~ Video of Dr. Pillai’s Powerful NEW Karma Dissolving Technique

~ Daily Karma Dissolving Technique

~ 2 Daily Meditation Practice Videos

~ 2 Daily Meditation Practice Audios

~ Complete Video and Audio Transcripts 

~ Practice Reference Guide

PLUS Six Bonus Mantra’s To:

~ Remove Obstacles In Life

~ Create A Disease Free Body

~ The Greatest Mantra for Light Body

See Also

~ Provide Strength and Energy

~ Remove The Constraints of Time

~ Protection Meditation by Dr. Pillai

~ Receive Dr. Pillai’s Help and Support

~ Bring More Light and Consciousness Into Your Body


Join Light Body Activation Today

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