Guy Finley: The Secret of Your Immortal Self
But, I think the best definition of this Divine part of us – given that such things defy being defined – would be as follows: the Immortal Self is an order of higher awareness; it lives as a perpetual witness of one’s relationship with all of life; an awareness that includes a conscious role in the creation of what is being manifested moment to moment.
OMTIMES: Why is it important for us to strengthen our bond with the Divine and our immortal self?
Guy Finley: There is an old saying: “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” The true wisdom behind this ancient idea is that the life lessons we need to succeed with realizing our highest possibilities – ride in on events.
This means that each moment of life is intended to teach us something new and true about ourselves. And “who” is this secret “Teacher,” the creator of Our daily “classroom,” as well as the cosmic curriculum that leads us to our perfection? A Divine Intelligence that wants more for us than can be imagined. The deeper, the truer our bond with this, our Cosmic level of Being, the more willing are we to let it make the changes in us that only (its) Love can make.
OMTIMES: Your previous books, including the bestselling The Secret of Letting Go, have focused on letting go of the negativity in our lives. Does this process also play a role in our contact with our Immortal Self?
Guy Finley: Most certainly; even a moment’s investigation into the real source of negative states, and the part of us held captive by them, will prove the value of making contact with what is Divine within us.
It’s impossible to become negative without first resisting the event – or that person – seen as responsible for our pain. But, if we could see clearly the whole of such moments when we suffer in this way, here’s what we would realize: the pain we’re feeling isn’t because of the event itself, but rather is produced by our resistance to what our own mind is telling us the event means.
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