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The Soul Chakra

The Soul Chakra


The soul star chakra, sometimes called the chakra of the soul, is located about a foot above the crown of our head. This incredible link of energy connects us to our higher selves feeding through the knowledge, love, guidance, and healing power that light our souls!

Holding our mental body of energies, the soul chakra is made up of all our subconscious and conscious thoughts from every lifetime we have lived, including this one. It is the gateway to the soul. When we meditate upon opening and maintaining this portal of energy, we raise our vibrational frequency into higher awareness.

Visualize a six pointed star; one triangle reaching up into the spiritual light energy, one triangle reaching downward into your ego-self/personality allowing you to bathe in miraculous connection. When you meditate on the soul chakra, you are activating the evolution of your soul into the awareness of the seven streams of energy, which hold the powers of change and transmutation.

Countless spiritual challenges have been met throughout our lifetimes in the soul battles between the higher self and the lower ego mind. This is the wonderful spiritual evolution we are now witnessing like never before, which will elevate us into new, better understanding of purposes and connections here on Earth.

Your soul tests you constantly while reaching out to you with spiritual healing and guidance on a continuous basis just waiting for you to receive it. It is ready and willing to send that light through consciousness to fill yourself if you ask. Your ego-self only knows what it chooses to be aware of. Therefore, if you choose to close yourself to the light, your connection will be extremely dim. If your human awareness has evolved to accept higher frequencies, you begin to manifest and experience the miraculous almost instantly.

Experience, life purpose, and circumstance can all create false belief systems with altered realities. Leave them behind and learn from the time we incarnate here! We carry many things from past lives, which propel us forward into identifying, accepting and healing in this life. If we learn how to activate our soul chakra to reach out, to speak, to heal and connect us to the source of our creation, we begin to understand the magnitude of love available to us. As love touches us and fills our heart with bliss, it would be only natural that we would want to share the good vibrations.

Your unique soul and all its amazing connections want you to feel joy! They bring in energy of great celebration when someone begins to awaken their spiritual self in a quest of knowledge and healing. It is remarkable how these connections touch everyone around them. Without judgment and filled with unconditional love, we begin to accept and understand as a group mind a pantheon of oneness and cooperation.

Ultimately, we will evolve to such a level that we will be able to remain and exist as vibrational links. As we open up and activate newer thought processes through acceptance and practice, the frequencies form. More light is able to transmute, to heal and purify, thus forming new answers to questions never before asked. As someone awakening learns this personally, then collectively in a group of souls, they can generate enormous amounts of spiritual energy through the soul chakra. The star creates a field of intent to evolve our existence, gracing it with shining intentions.

Throughout man’s history on Earth, we have been communicating with our soul chakras by any means possible. Through evolving and maturing, those connections thrive. The practices of those who incarnated before us help us to ascension; yet these practices are meant to be challenged, studied and understood. The energy these loving beings created is a true resource to our heavenly connections.

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The great spiritual teachers, Ascended Masters and beautiful souls who lived their lives in service to the good of humanity are able to send us insight and guidance any time we ask. The fantastic threads of light energy help us know we were created in love, purpose and great intention. They are there in great beauty when we open the portals with equal understanding and unconditional love. Together, we are learning how to evolve with meditation, prayer and positive thought. Our souls are always reaching out to us as we learn to fine tune frequencies while discovering one miraculous gift after another.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OMTimes Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.

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