18 Life Lessons from the Angels

Life Lessons from Anna Taylor and the Angels
By Anna Taylor
Here are 18 Life Lessons from the Angels
1) Life is mysterious. There may well be a reason for everything, but some are more obvious than others. Do not go searching for ones you may never find. They will be clear if they are meant to be.
2) Worrying never helps anything. Praying for what you want, as if it’s already here, does.
3) Do not expect people to know how you feel. If you want them to know, tell them.
4) Your sensitivity is not a weakness. The ability to feel deeply and to express those feelings is a great strength.
5) The more you trust your intuition, the stronger it gets. Listen.
6) Your heart dreams because your soul is calling you to bring those dreams alive. Believe.
7) When listening to the voice in your head, ask yourself ‘Would I say that to a friend?’ It is a wonderful practice for self-love.
8) No matter who you are or what you do, you are not responsible for the choices others make.
9) You are responsible for your own happiness. No one can make you feel anything; not even love. That’s an inside job.
10) Loving someone does not mean you have to put up with cr*p. Love yourself enough to know when it’s time to step back.
11) Goodbyes are hard, but a natural part of life and sometimes very necessary if you want to say hello to peace.
12) Do not try to prove anything to anyone. Just live your life and teach by example.
13) Acceptance does not mean giving up on wanting more. It just means letting go of the struggle for it.
14) Denial only serves in giving more power to that which you are denying. The truth will set you free.
15) Disability and ability are each in the eyes of the beholder just as beauty is.
16) Never under estimate the power of kindness. It costs nothing, but could mean everything.
17) Everyone is a spiritual being. Some are just more aware of that truth.
18) Underneath all other words, love is always the question and always the answer – either because you are remembering who you truly are or need reminding.
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About the Author
Known as The Angels’ Voice, Anna Taylor is an international recording artist, singer-songwriter, Angel Therapist® certified by Doreen Virtue, Theta Healing Practitioner®, speaker, teacher and radio host.
Anna’s innate passion for singing inspired her to dream of recording her own CD. Her debut album, Already Here, was released after months of co-writing via email, and was made possible thanks to the generosity of friends and supporters around the world. Anna, whose voice has been likened to Canadian singer Sarah McLachlan, has since performed for audiences around the world, and most recently at Doreen Virtue’s Angel Intuitive course in Zurich, Switzerland. Her song, Peace, was sung by the World Children’s Choir in 2014 in order to bring different cultures together setting the intention for world peace. In addition, she has also been featured on BBC Radio and several internet radio shows, including Hay House Radio.

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