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Bruce Lipton – The Secret of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind

Bruce Lipton – The Secret of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind


Nature designed the first 7 years of a child’s life to put programs into that database, into that subconscious. And it does so through a simple physiological mechanism – by using very different levels of vibrational frequencies. The level of consciousness is a higher vibration of brain activity. Subconscious is a lower frequency.

Before a child expresses consciousness as a way of life, and that’s in the first 7 years, the brain activity is at a lower vibration of consciousness. That lower level of consciousness is called Theta. Theta is associated with imagination. Children between 2 and 7 they take the real world and change it into an imaginary world. A child can ride a broom for example, but to the child that broom is a horse at that moment. And if the parent says: “Give me the broom, the child will look up at the parent and thinks, what broom? This is a horse!” Mixing imagination and real world: Theta!

But Theta is also hypnosis. The reason why we have this 7 years of hypnosis is very simple. If I ask you Dirk, to make a list of all the rules that are required for an individual to understand how to be a functional member of a family and a functional member of the society. How many rules do we have to know? You wouldn’t know, probably thousands! You can’t teach a child a thousand rules when it’s 1 or 2. So you can’t teach that. But how does a child learn then? Because for the first 7 years, the brain is in that low Theta frequency, imagination, which is also hypnosis, which means that a child learns the rules of life by primarily observing the behaviour of other people and downloading their behaviour. So the first 7 years you are on recording and it’s not even going into the conscious mind, because this information goes straight into the subconscious. They are other people’s behaviours that are straight downloaded into you.

See Also

You can therefore say that the subconscious is fundamentally programmed by other people. And this is so relevant because they might not have your wishes and desires. And if they don’t have your wishes and desires then their program is not going to get you to your own wishes and desires. 70% or more of these downloaded subconscious programs are negative, disempowering and self-sabotaging. Our parent’s behaviour is not necessarily the best behaviour in the world and yet we record what they do.

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