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Spring into New Action

Spring into New Action


by Debbie Peluso

Spring has arrived! The natural process of life as the creation/recreation unfolds. Oddly, we celebrate new beginnings in January by forming resolutions and intentions while contemplating what we need to be liberated from in order to bring about change. In actuality, spring and the beginning of a new astrological year is the perfect time energetically to start new cycles in our lives. We plant seeds to grow flowers and vegetables. The trees blossom with a display of beautiful colors. Birds sing their mating song. The days are longer and the warmth of the Sun brings vitality creating a perfect recipe for renewal. What an incredibly magnificent time to form new intentions and birth a new cycle. And it all begins with that wonderfully vital, pioneering, passionate and courageous energy of the Sun in Aries!

Astrology is the study of man in relation to his environment. It is the telling of time, life-cycles and evolvement. Man, animals, nature and the Cosmos are all One interacting with one another energetically. Over time, man has naturally understood this relationship as he watches the Moon and other planetary influences on the environment. The tides are affected; our food is affected. And, so it is with us. Our bodies respond energetically to the vibrational frequencies of the planets’ movements in our solar system. When we attune ourselves to this rhythm, we find it can guide us like a map. We can use it to tell the right time for action, just like our wonderfully expensive Rolex (or not)!

The planets and their respective zodiac signs are archetypes of the various emotional and mental levels of consciousness we experience as humans. So why does it start with Aries and his planetary ruler Mars? Aries is the leader of the pack. He is the warrior, the conqueror and the liberator. In Pisces, the last stop on the zodiacal wheel and the energy of endings and beginnings, it was a time for contemplating all that we experienced over the year – what we learned, gained and why. We may have possibly come to a realization about ourselves that brings about a desire for something new in our lives. Aries/Mars provides us with new purpose and initiative – the dawning of spring. It is our call to action! What is it we need to do? What is it we need to let go of? What warrior within us do we need to call forth to liberate us from whatever enslaves us, impeding our triumph?

Aries/Mars is to be respected. Without this energy, there would be nothing as there would be no action. We can set goals and engineer plans until we’re blue in the face, but without the passion, leadership, initiative and pioneering spirit of Aries/Mars in our natal charts, the outcome would be more challenging.

Mars has been associated with war and aggression. When there is conflict in our lives, we look to Mars and its interactions with other planetary influences, but this energy is not always negative. When we look at it in our personal lives, it can be where we may be guided to find the strength to confront our inner enemies and our oppressors in order to find the liberation we need to effectuate change in our lives. It is our call to action, though it may come with sacrifices. The energy of Aries/Mars is also known as the sacrificial lamb.

Creation/recreation requires sacrifice in order to resurrect. It is interesting to note that throughout history we find many examples of this. One example would be that of Moses (Aries, by the way) who while under the influence of Mars/Aries heard his call to lead and liberate his people from the enslavement of Egypt to a new beginning. And the ultimate sacrifice of all, Jesus dying on the cross, surrendering his ego to the will of God for what many believe was salvation from the enslavement of our sins. Some scholars believe Jesus was an Aries. Again, the power of Aries/Mars can be as forceful as thunder or as gentle as a sacrificial lamb.

One may debate what those sins may be. Are we really born to sin, or is our sin the interference of ego and delusion? Is our sacrifice/liberation to put our egos on the cross? By killing the ego, do we then resurrect while recreating ourselves and our ideals? Whatever we may believe, it is most definitely an awakening for us towards new understanding of our spirit, compassion and love. The answer seems to lie in examining the Aries/Mars energy in our personal lives.

Allow the freshness of spring with all of its life-creating qualities to be a time of renewal. Questions we can ask ourselves include: What is it we really want? What seed of intent do we wish to plant? Where do we struggle in life and who/what is our oppressor? Then with the courage and passion of Aries/Mars, we take action. We unleash the fury!

We can use the practice of yoga to develop strength, power, determination and courage in the performance of our Virabhadrasana poses (Warriors I, II, and II) with conviction bringing a sense of empowerment. This is a wonderful time for detoxifying and liberating the body of its toxic oppressors!

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Whatever seed of intent we wish to plant, calling upon the renewal energy of Aries/Mars with respect will allow us to spring into action towards new beginnings.


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About the Author

Debbie Peluso is a certified practitioner in meditation, metaphysical/spiritual counseling, practicing astrologer and co-owner of Zion Yoga Studio in the Washington, D.C. area. She received her practitioner’s certification from the University of Metaphysics in association with the University of Sedona in Arizona. Visit Debbie at

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