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An Act of Kindness Equals A Ripple Effect

An Act of Kindness Equals A Ripple Effect


An Act of Kindness = A Ripple Effect

act-of-kindness_OMTimesIf you’re anything like me, you generally go into autopilot when you go to your local supermarket. But just this past week, I had an interesting experience as I was leaving with my groceries. I noticed an elderly woman having trouble trying to load all her bags into her car. Her produce was spilling out of one bag, while another one was splitting wide open, and she continued to try to grab what she could. You could clearly see she was frustrated and stressed, and needed help. I walked up to her and asked if I could help. She turned round with a look of pure shock!

I wasn’t sure if she was surprised that someone was helping her, or if she thought I was a stranger approaching her for something quite different. Anyway, I helped her pick up her groceries, and chased after cans of peas rolling across the parking lot. No sooner had I helped her, than she quickly got in her car, and drove off! It was as though she’d been really scared having a stranger in her space.

This little incident also reminded me of a time when I was on a train and politely gave up my seat to a young lady who was standing. She also looked at me as if I wanted something from her, when in fact, all I was doing was practicing the way I was raised; to be kind, to be considerate, and to help others. Clearly this young woman was not used to people showing her kindness, or of someone being chivalrous.

Although these stories are separated by both time and location, it just confirms my view that as a society, we seem to have lost the art of helping each other just because we want to or feel it in our hearts. It’s as though the norm is more like we should not be helping each other. I’ve tried to understand why this is happening. Does it have something to do with the impersonal world of instant messaging, texting, and emailing that has contributed to our lack of ability to actually interact with one another? Or is it that we’re so caught up in our own lives that we forget we’re part of the whole, and that we are and always will be connected to each other?

The theme of this Soul Inspirations is all about learning to help each other, not because we want something in return, but because we’re connected to each other as divine souls. I try to practice this when I can, because it’s a nice thing to do, and ends up being a pleasant surprise. Maybe that person was having a bad day, or for some reason was feeling really sad.

You never know that by doing a little random act of kindness, you could have changed their mood and made them feel better. Touching someone’s life in a kind way will often have a ripple effect that spreads beyond your imagination!

I know how hard it is sometimes to help someone else when you feel you can’t even help yourself, but doing so really does soothe and nurture your soul. Try it. As we’re all unique, you’ll have your own way to touch someone’s life that will be totally different from someone else. Touching another life in a positive way is a personal thing. It has to have your own personal soul signature attached to it that will radiate out, like a ripple across a still pond. Sometimes it just comes to you, or it could be as simple as a spontaneous, kind gesture – even a smile can move a mountain.


John’s Lesson

My lesson is more of a request. I’d like you to be as conscious as possible of helping others this week.

You may be saying: “But, I’m just one person, what can I do? I can’t change the world!” But you can start by changing yourself. Whatever is going on inside will be mirrored on the outside. It’s my view that everything in the world is based on the inner-consciousness of man. Try and remember that one person (and that means you) can make all the difference. You are a soul, so believe and know that you do have power, and you do matter in this collective universe. Remember when we leave this world, all that we take with us is what we did or didn’t do.

See Also

How about just for today your main purpose is to serve, and give back without expecting anything in return. Reach out and touch other peoples’ spirit. It’s quite likely that someone out there really needs it today.

The kindness you give will reinforce that person’s belief and faith that there are people who really care. One act of kindness can truly create a ripple effect, and you never know who will be touched and affected by your ripple with your soul signature. I think it’s one of the most beautiful and powerful things we can do, that doesn’t cost anything. Maybe you will make this daily act of giving a part of your life forever. Share and spread the energy.

Have a Soul-filled life!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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