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Finding the Stillness

Finding the Stillness


Are you feeling overwhelmed? Not sure what direction to take? Could you use a little guidance? Your intuition IS trying to get your attention to help you – but you may not even know when it’s working. In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, adopting the same schedule every day over and over, and with technology, we are always focused outside of ourselves. We have a tendency to pull away from the spiritual source that infuses our soul, which only exacerbates the feeling of being tired, drained, or confused.


How to Find Stillness?

It’s easy to become immersed in your work, with caring for someone who is sick, or with family issues. Sometimes, though you have to force yourself to find the stillness within, and check in and reconnect with that spiritual source for its power, wisdom, and guidance. You’re the driver. It’s up to you to put the brakes on, or press the pause button and say, “I am listening and I am open. Please help and show me.”


Paradox: Acting on Stillness

If you really mean it, and you’re prepared to act on the guidance given, then anything is possible. Get out of the way, because by just asking, you’re tapping into the power of your soul. Situations and opportunities in your life will shift and begin to manifest. The question is: Will you let it happen, or will you choose to stay where you are? I really believe that one of the things that stop us from being truly successful is the lack of belief in ourselves.


John’s Lesson

Intuition flows on the breath. It’s also filled with the universal energy that enhances your overall well-being. I encourage you to try this exercise:

Just close your eyes and breathe deeply. Relax, and let your awareness bring you back into your body. Follow your breath to the quiet still place within your heart. Take a few breaths into this area and continue to relax into the stillness until you feel grounded. Your body and mind will begin to grow quieter with each breath.

Let your thoughts come in, just simply notice them, and then watch them go out again. Imagine in your mind’s eye that as you breathe in and out, pure universal energy is running up and down your spine. As this energy flows through your body, it’s clearing and spinning your energy centers (chakras), as your soul becomes infused with source energy.

See Also

Next, bring your awareness into your solar plexus area, and ask your intuition and your soul if there’s something it wants to tell you. Breathe and pause here for a moment, acknowledging whatever comes. As with other exercises I’ve recommended, I urge you to keep your soul journal nearby, so you can journal your thoughts, those soul flashes, and intuitive messages.

This exercise is also great if you have a decision or choice that needs to be made. Get a post-it note and stick the above affirmation on your computer or someplace where you’ll see it clearly every day. It will be a reminder to check in with your intuition and your soul before you hastily move forward.

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