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Knowing What You Want is the First Step

Knowing What You Want is the First Step


The First Step is Knowing What You Want

Do you truly ever know what you want? All too often, people go through their lives on a day-to-day basis letting ‘ life live them,’ living in hope that the future will bring them something special. I know many people who hop from psychic to psychic hoping they will be told something positive or wonderful about their future. Yes, a psychic may see something that’s not in the realm of your consciousness, but in reality, it’s far more likely that you’ll be able to help yourself if you have some idea of what you want. Let’s use the analogy of a bouncing ball, where the ball represents an idea or a specific thought you might have. Working on a psychic level, I can follow where the ball’s going to bounce or what direction it’s likely to take.

Using this analogy, you have to at least start bouncing the ball! So, before you start visualizing, you have to be able to create a picture of what you want. I’ve met so many people who are still unclear of what they actually want. Some don’t even know where to start. So, if this resonates or sounds like you, or someone you know, this article may help you.

The best place to start is by letting go of what you don’t want. If you really can’t figure out what you want to do, to be, or accomplish, then make a list of people, situations, emotions, and habits that aren’t for your highest good. As always, don’t forget to journal your thoughts, as you never know when you may want to revisit them. Once you start, you should be willing and ready to let go of them.

So if you’re ready, let’s get your journal and write on top of the page: “I am letting go of ________.” You may add to the list, change it, even delete it, or whatever you want. This is a lifelong process, one that will change and evolve with you. It’s a good idea to include a positive affirmation at the end of the list. Here’s one of my favorites: “I am now releasing these things in my life for my highest good and I bless them all. Let Go – Let God.”

Here’s one more step to help you figure out what you want. Make a list of all your wishes, dreams, etc., or in other words, what you really, really want. Have fun as you create this list and give yourself the freedom to imagine anything. Write it all down even if it sounds a little crazy or even totally outrageous. This is your own list just for you. Don’t worry about what other people would do or would want for you. This is your soul, your spirit, and your life. By tapping in to all your senses, imagine and write down what the perfect life would feel like, what would the perfect job look and feel like, write down what you want in a relationship, the perfect house, and the perfect place to live. Cover every aspect of your life. Nothing is too big or small to write down.

Keep thinking of these things throughout the day and look at them every time you open your journal, so you start integrating the list into your life. What you’re doing here is that you’re starting to expand your imagination as well as your consciousness, and by doing so, you’re giving your soul a chance to grow and assist you in magnetizing it in the present.


John’s Lesson:

Visualization Exercise

For this exercise, it’s best to start slowly until you get the hang of it. When I say visualize, don’t worry if you don’t immediately get a clear mental picture as it may take a few attempts. As you get the hang of it, impressions will start to form as you use your imagination, through the power of thought or sometimes by just feeling. Think of an area in your life that you want to work on. Do you want to work on a relationship, your health, or maybe a job related issue? This is a great exercise to follow the previous one about your dreams and wishes. So once you’re in a relaxed state, your imagination will have a greater chance to flow freely. If you’re tense at the end of a long day at work or something else, it’s going to be harder to relax and get the most from this exercise. So if you’re ready, let’s start.

Begin to see, create, imagine, and feel the desired positive outcome you want from the desired situation or issue that you’re going to work on. Imagine every possible detail, such as: the colors, the scene, the people involved … literally everything you can imagine and think of. Put your visualization in present tense as if it’s actually happening right now.

See Also
Spiritual Direction

Okay, now bring in the emotion that goes with the picture. It’s a bit like turning up the volume on your television set. You’ll have the complete picture. Feel the joy, the sense of completion, and the happiness of what you’re seeing. Really, really, really feel it. By visualizing the scene, coupled with the emotions you’re feeling, you’ll find this can be a great partnership in manifesting what you truly want and deserve.

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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