Lisa Garr: Becoming Aware
Even on the way home from work, you can have this quick conversation with your God or your heart or with someone in the lineup in a store – that friendly exchange. These are the moments of consciousness, quick conscious conversations that light up your day and light up their day. Yes, you can also do a 10 minute visualization for what it is that you are creating in your life. You can built this every single day of your life. It might seem very simple, but it’s the simple things that add up that make your overall level of consciousness increase. This is also what my book ‘Becoming Aware’ talks about.
OMTimes: Part I of your book is all about ‘Becoming Aware’ and in part II you share so many tips (awarisms) of Living an Aware life. What’s your definition of ‘becoming aware’?
Lisa Garr: That’s a great question! Becoming aware for me is having connected conscious conversations, throughout the day. We get busy and there are so many distractions in our world, but when you just have eye-to-eye contact, or a conversation that makes a difference, it can be so quick and so easy… I do believe that having those quick, practical, conscious connections throughout the day, defines ‘becoming aware’ for me.
OMTimes: You have been interviewing so many inspiring authors, teachers and scientists over the years. What is the single most important lesson they have taught you?
Lisa Garr: I really do look at everything from the perspective of the brain. Most everything we do has to do with the chemicals that are releasing in our brain. The more we understand that our thoughts, feelings and emotions are our reaction from what is happening in our neurochemistry, the more this will benefit us in many ways because I do believe that it’s at the base of so many interactions that we have in life.
I really love what Dr. Joe Dispenza has talked about in terms of the brain. I have absorbed his information and taken it to heart and really learned so much. You don’t take things personally anymore when you realize that it’s a chemical reaction – a release of dopamine, or an oxytocin exchange for example. When you start to realize what’s really happening, you can actually dive into it a little bit deeper. Serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin can literally be released in a connected conversation and in visualization as well. I think that’s very powerful.

Dirk Terpstra is an intuitive speaker, coach and certified HeartMath trainer. Dirk carries out a simple message: You can only be at peace, feel fulfilled and be valuable to others, when you are honest with yourself and start closing the gap between who you appear to be and who you really are. You will then discover that you are beautiful and that all the answers already lie inside of you.