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Just a Breath Away

Just a Breath Away


We all have a remarkable resource that can be accessed any time we wish, and the best part of it all – it’s totally free! I have my own special name for it – my Psychic Energy Reservoir. It serves many purposes, benefitting your overall well-being and also providing a unique and wonderful way to tap into your soul. You can tap into it simply by taking your next breath. It’s important to remember that when we each enter this world, the first thing we do is inhale and before we leave this life, the last thing we do is exhale. Life, if you think about it, is one continuous series of breaths.

When I first started exploring the mechanics of my own psychic abilities, I found myself drawn to the eastern traditions, but specifically, the significance and benefits of working with breath. The basis of their philosophy is the principle that breath is life. Breath is the bridge between the body and soul. Eastern teachers have thankfully passed on their philosophies and techniques to many of us in the west. As a result, we’ve learned that in addition to the physical benefits resulting from proper breathing habits, our mental abilities, happiness, willpower, as well as our spiritual progression will advance as we adopt and practice the mechanics of proper breathing. For so many of us, we constantly take this quiet, unassuming miracle for granted. But, once working with breath becomes part of your everyday awareness, you’ll begin to wonder how you managed to survive before you ever started paying attention to it.

Who would believe that we actually need instructions on the proper way to breathe? For the majority of us, we rarely stop or take the time to study how we should breathe effectively. Hence the expression, “I barely stopped to catch my breath.” In this high-tech age, where we live and work in an ever-faster environment of rapid responses, we’ve developed so many unnatural and unhealthy ways of standing, sitting at work, and even the way we walk. Our posture quickly falls out of alignment, which then leads to constrictions in the chest, preventing us from breathing properly.

To half breathe – is to be half alive. Consider the way you breathe as how you live your life. If you’re breathing with shallow, restricted, short breaths, it’s more than likely that you’re holding onto or suppressing your emotions and feelings. You’re therefore limiting the potential of your life, and the true nature of who you really are, but more importantly, who you can be. To appreciate how we should breathe properly, just watch a baby sleeping. Notice how they breathe slowly, in and out, with their abdomen rising up and down. Of course, we all breathed this way at one time. When you combine your mind and body with the help of the breath, you can experience a more enlightened, healthy, and positive life experience.


John’s Lesson

Try the following meditation using the breath. Take just five minutes out of the day to stop, relax, and connect with yourself by simply closing your eyes and focusing your attention on your heart area. Let your lungs fill completely – first feeling your breath push out your stomach, radiating through the middle of your chest, and then in the same breath, let it slowly reach to the top of your lungs.

When we take in a complete breath, we are bringing in prana (life energy) and as a result, we will feel calmer, become revitalized, and grounded. When you find your mind wandering, just bring your attention back to your breath. Continue for five minutes. With practice, you’ll notice you’re adding on more time to this meditation each day, and reaping the rewards as well. You can do this meditation anywhere and anytime. As I have said, begin with just five minutes. If you’re feeling stressed, this short and powerful meditation is a wonderful way to alleviate that stress.

Using the breath in your meditations, or just learning to breathe properly for yourself, can be a valuable life tool to strengthen the connection between body, mind, and your spirit. When you learn to breathe the way we were meant to, and when you begin to feel the vitality and benefits of working consciously with the breath, you’ll be on your way to living a life of unlimited potential!

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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