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Manifesting Your Inner Visions

Manifesting Your Inner Visions


by Carl Studna

All of us have inner yearnings; these passionate callings that tug, nudge or kick us from behind, reminding us that there is always a deeper and richer purpose and expression to fulfill. We are creative beings and because we live in a constantly changing Universe, it’s imperative that we remain open and attuned to the opportunities in the form of thoughts, visions and projects that are constantly transmitting insights personally branded with our name on them!


Manifesting: Opportunities in Tune with the Universe

Akin to using a tuning fork to calibrate the accurate pitch in music, we must calibrate our inner-continence and match the frequencies of these inner messages, so that we become receptive and in tune to their wisdom and directive. In order to live the life of our wildest dreams, we are being asked to slow down, soften and trust this deeper realm of listening above all else.

This is not always an easy practice given that we live in a world that is constantly focusing on producing results through our intellect and through force. Most of us were raised believing that we need to make things happen, rather than listening first to the wisdom available within us. In a sense, the Western world has become addicted to effort and force as opposed to non-resistance. Imagine a champion boxer in a match with an Aikido expert. The boxer lunges forward with a powerful left jab as the Aikido master gracefully moves aside, causing the boxer to stumble forward in gravity’s potent momentum. No effort was exerted as the Martial Arts expert simply follows the path of least resistance.


Manifesting: Forceless Momentum?

Where in your life do you hold the notion that only force will accomplish a particular goal or deadline? In the short run, you might produce results taking this arduous path, but what are the costs? Perhaps, you end up compromising your health or the health of relationships in your life. Whenever we force things to happen, we enter into a heavy or dissonant energy field that often carries qualities of fear, greed or lack of compassion.

As with any addiction, we must be willing to consider an alternative to these non-supportive behaviors that in the long run, don’t serve us, and bring forth the faith to take a different path – one that cultivates stillness and peace. As we begin to find a safe haven within through a daily meditative practice, our thoughts soften, and we find ourselves resting more and more in those pure awareness moments between our thoughts. In Deepak Chopra’s book, “The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success,” he refers to these moments as “The Gap.” As with any practice, it is only through devoted repetition that we enter more consistently into these still states of expansive awareness.


Manifesting: Something from “Nothing”

The greater we trust in the unseen and open to what truly ignites us, we become receptive to the universal downloads that support our greatest of purpose and success. When we’re living in a truly receptive state of consciousness, free of attachments or agendas, Divine Intelligence always guides us with the perfect insights, sometimes one step at a time. We must be devoted listeners and trust the messages as they surface. Then, it’s imperative that we act on these inner-directives. Sometimes, they might be shown to us as a simple act of kindness to a particular person. To our rational mind, this gesture might not appear to have anything to do with our vision or goal, but only later as we follow through with this act of kindness do we see how it led to fulfilling a piece of the puzzle.

As an example, let’s say that you’re an artist and one of your ultimate dreams is to share your art in a broader way with the world, giving it more exposure for others to view and appreciate. You’ve tried the traditional approach over and over again of submitting your portfolio to various local galleries only to have your work constantly rejected. Everyone you personally show your artwork to loves it and encourages you to not give up, yet you feel as though you’ve done all you can do. In the meantime, you’re continuing to deepen in a daily meditative practice and cultivating more moments in “The Gap.”

See Also

During one of these pure and insightful moments, you’re guided to call a dear friend and introduce them to another close friend. You’ve been advised through your inner senses that they would share a lot in common and their skills might support each other in their mutual businesses. Trusting this insight, you email both of them and make the introduction. One of them replies in gratitude and tells you that they were just thinking of you. They go on to explain that they recently met the owner of a local gallery and had a strong sense that your artwork would really be a fit there. They proceed to make a personal introduction; you meet, share your work and the gallery owner embraces it with open arms! This leads to a successful showing and the beginning of a flourishing career as an artist.

In this instance, you were not trying to make anything happen; you were simply listening and honoring the kind gesture that arose in your awareness. Your conscious mind had no idea that this considerate introduction would lead to a connection that would catapult your artistic career. When we remain open, still and receptive, Divine Intelligence orchestrates through and as us, always on course with our grandest purpose and design. In this state of awareness, your inner-visions merge with those of Universal Mind and it’s no longer you running the show, it becomes a co-creative endeavor with ease and grace as your rudder.


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About the Author

Carl Studna is a world-renowned photographer, inspirational speaker, teacher and award winning author. Carl has taken his message and experiences to print in his book, CLICK! Choosing Love One Frame at a Time. Studna’s innovative work, the LuminEssence Method©, teaches a new paradigm for radiating the light that resides within revealing each person’s authentic gifts.

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