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Manifesting Made Easy

Manifesting Made Easy

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Is your manifesting all you expect it to be?

Manifesting Made Easy: 7 Tips to Increase Flow

By Sharon Kirstin

Life is hard. We need to hustle. In fact, we are lazy if we don’t. But doesn’t life feel like a struggle when we buy into this belief? We are in constant competition. We fight our way to the finish line, fight each other, fight ourselves. What if there was a way to attract our desires to us? Would we be interested to know how? Of course!

When we realign with the energy of our true desires we become magnets. We pull our creations to us instead of chasing them with a lot of effort.

The state of flow is our natural state.

If we are not in the flow, we are very likely in resistance and out of alignment with our soul’s true plan. We are the creators of our reality and if we align our energy, mind, and actions to our inner plan, we start manifesting with ease.

Miracles, magic and instant manifestations are available to all of us. And yes, there is a recipe to enter a state of flow.


7 Tips to Better Manifesting

Manifesting Tip #1: Raising our vibration

The vibration (or frequency) of our energy field is what draws experiences, people and things to us like a magnet. When we change our energy, we change our experiences in life.

Meditation is a fast track to connect with our divinity within. When we attune our vibration to source energy we strengthen the relationship with the creator power within. In this state of oneness with the vibration of creation, we can receive clear guidance on our next steps as well as profound healing. The more we connect to source energy the easier it will be to enter this state of flow. This enables us to skillfully cocreate (manifest) from thought to physical form.


Manifesting Tip #2: Setting clear intentions

Intentions are like a magic spell. But often we aren’t aware of our own intentions because we just don’t get clear on them. Yet, if we don’t we miss out on the powerful impact they have on our manifestations. If we ask ourselves each morning, “What would make today great?”, we communicate our desires to the infinite intelligence and lets it know what to deliver. It is as easy as making a silent (but clear) statement in your mind.


Manifesting Tip #3: Surrender

After being clear on our intentions we mustn’t think of them anymore. We need to release them from our minds completely. Basically, forget we ever asked.

When our desire is to create flow we cannot rely on our willpower to make things happen. We need to relinquish control and trust a higher power. Miracles happen when we don’t try to make them happen. Our job is to stay in full ease and open to receive. No hustle. No pushiness. No resistance. No attachment to whether it would even happen.


Manifesting Tip #4: Keeping the faith

We need to trust that it is done. It is when we are in full faith that it is already done and coming to us, that it can manifest in our lives.

No matter when it will happen or if it will happen. Trust means surrendering our own ego’s agenda to a higher power. This higher power knows our soul’s blueprint, knows what is aligned with us and what will support our progress. It sees the full picture of our path. We can’t will things into existence that aren’t to our highest good. If it’s aligned it will come easy.


Manifesting Tip #5: Doing it scared

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happiness tips OMTimes

The universe loves courage. We need to keep doing things that push us out of our comfort zone. Not once but all the time. Every day try we need to do something that we usually don’t do. Even small things matter to open up our energy and let new vibes enter.


Manifesting Tip #6: Keeping an open mind and heart

We can turn down any manifestation by not taking the courageous step we’re guided to take or by simply not interacting with the world. That’s why we need to trust our inner guidance and stay open to receiving the gifts we asked for. Our manifestations will always come to us by interaction and through other people. This is important to remember!


Manifesting Tip #7: Follow your bliss

When we follow our heart’s and soul’s true desires we automatically enter a state of flow. But how many of us rationalize away our desires through responsibility or bad timing. Sometimes it can be tough to love ourselves enough to boldly follow our dreams, no matter the consequences. Yet, the more we align with our soul’s blueprint the more magic, miracles and flow we’ll tap into.

We are all born creators and can choose our experiences. Knowledge is only power when we apply it through action in our own lives.


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About the Author

Sharon Kirstin is a Bestselling Author, Life Coach & Energy Consultant. She built the usability department for a successful startup ranking #5 in The Wall Street Journal’s “Billion Dollar Startup Club”. Now Sharon helps her clients attune to their soul’s design, master its energy and take authentic action toward manifesting their dreams. Free video training:

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