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Seven Peppercorns

Seven Peppercorns


Book Spotlight – Seven Peppercorns – Traditional Thai Theory for Bodyworkers

For more information, or to purchase Seven Peppercorns, click the book cover!

Written by Nephyr Anne Jacobsen

With the exploding popularity of Thai massage in the West, dozens of Thai massage “how to”-books have been published, yet those who seek a deeper understanding of the modality and the traditional medical system from which it stems have found themselves without resources for advanced study and authentic instruction.

 Seven Peppercorns: Traditional Thai Theory for Bodyworkers by Nephyr Anne Jacobsen, covers the vast scope of traditional Thai medicine practices including: Thai element theory, physical therapies, medical Buddhism, herbal medicine for massage, divinatory practices, and spirit medicine; all held within the context of a Thai body-worker’s instructional manual. This is not another step-by-step Thai massage photographic sequence book, but rather an in-depth training in the theory behind the steps, with instruction in a wide range of esoteric Thai physical therapies designed to bring practical understanding of Thai bodywork as it is practiced by traditional doctors in Thailand.

 Seven Peppercorns is divided into twelve main segments; each segment containing several chapters. The organizational flow takes the reader from introduction, overview and history, through an understanding of Thai anatomy, including element, point, and sen line theory, to instruction in Thai diagnosis, actual physical manipulations and practical application of the shamanistic and Buddhist components of traditional Thai medicine as it applies to bodywork; all in an easy-to-follow well organized format.

Included in this guide are Thai self-care practices and exercises as well as treatment guidelines for specific disorders. Seven Peppercorns serves as both an instruction manual and a reference book fully annotated with appendixes, notes, glossary, bibliography and index. The straightforward academic informational writing is gentled with moments of conversational author-to-reader comments (often humorous), and peppered with short personal narrative stories that bring the reader into the sensory tapestry of Thailand. It is intended as a stand-alone manual, or as a text book for Thai massage instructors to use in classes.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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